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*As Sneha is going through the designs of her latest assignment, an angry Abhimanyu barges into her office*

"Sneha" He tries to sound as calm as possible but fails.

"Abhi, you-"

"Did you, by any chance, tell Akshara that we're engaged?" He says, emphasizing on each word, his fists curled up in anger.

"Abhi...I think...uh..." She starts getting a little nervous seeing him so angry.

"Sneha, yes or no. Just tell me yes or no" He repeats.

She tries to remember her conversation with Akshara "I think I might have" she says in a low voice.

"Why Sneha?" he screams. "Why would you do that? Our so-called engagement is just a facade to keep our families quiet...that's what we agreed upon, right? Moreover, we aren't even engaged! We just told our families that we'd like to see where this relationship goes and that we need a few months to decide...then WHY? Why would you tell her that?" He holds his head as he tries hard to control himself.

"Abhi, I swear it wasn't intentional, she just came to give a few files and she wasn't trusting me, so I-" she tries to explain.

"Nobody except for our families knows...nobody... and now that you've told someone, why did it have to be HER?" Abhimanyu closes his eyes in frustration.

"Abhi...I'm sorry, okay...I'm really sorry...but Abhi" she goes and sits next to him "why does it bother you that she knows...I mean she-" Sneha looks at Abhimanyu and sees the same desperate look that he had when he had returned from Goa.

"Oh shit. She's the one. She's Alia" Sneha holds her head as reality hits her. "I'm so sorry Abhi, I'm really sorry yaar" she holds her ears in apology.

Abhimanyu lets out a heavy breath "I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have reacted that had no idea"

"I really didn't. But Abhi...what happened? Did she say something?" Sneha asks.

"I don't know Sneha...she has been acting weird and sort of...."

"Jealous?" Sneha smiles.

"I don't know" Abhimanyu says.

"Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, she would be jealous only if she feels something for you..." Sneha teases him.

"I don't think I can go through all of that again Sneha...the last time she still hurts"

*Abhimanyu thinks of that painful morning in Goa...*

14th February 2021, Goa

He wakes up at 7:52 am...his hand tries to hold Alia's but the bed is empty...and cold.

He wakes up with a jerk and looks around..."Alia....Alia, where are you" he looks everywhere- the balcony, the washroom but plain, dead silence greets him...

He runs down the staircase, looking everywhere "Alia..."

"Sir, may I help you?" the receptionist asks.

"Have you seen a girl...she's 5'4, big brown eyes, straight hair..."

" you have a photo?" she asks, confused.

"Photo?" suddenly, he realises he has no photo of her...

*He starts running and reaches Alia's hotel...*

"Excuse me, there's a girl named Alia, she's living here since a few days...there's an emergency, can you please contact her and tell her I'm waiting here for her?" he says, panting.

The woman checks her laptop "I'm sorry sir, but there's nobody named Alia fact, in the past 10 days, nobody of that name has checked in here..."

*Abhimanyu realises that her actual name wasn't Alia...he feels the world spinning and his heart physically aching...he walks back to his hotel with slow, forced steps...

He stays in Goa for the next two days, hoping that she would return but she doesn't...*

Present Day

"Abhi....Abhi?....Abhi!" Sneha calls out again.

"Huh?" Abhimanyu comes back to reality.

"What happened, where were you?" she asks.


"So I was saying...has she given you any sign that she likes you or any explanation of why she left that way?" Sneha asks.

"No. Let alone an explanation, she barely talks to me. Am I an idiot Sneha? For being concerned for someone who left me once...and now doesn't even want to talk to me?" He asks with a sad expression.

"Okay, tell me one thing... and this is also something that I've wondered since the day you returned from Goa...

Why did you fall in love with her... how did Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, the guy who never even talked about love, never believed in it...suddenly fall head over heels in love with a girl he just spent 3 days with?"

Abhimanyu closes his eyes and Akshara's smiling face comes to his mind "I don't know how to explain this know I'm not good at this...but when I met felt like I finally found...home!" a smile spreads across his lips. "And the day she left...since that day I haven't felt that emotion ever's like I'm looking for something that doesn't even exist..."

"She's your home Abhi...and that's a big enough reason to be concerned about her..." she smiles "And trust me, if she made you feel that way, she's very special...I know it...and there is definitely an explanation for what she did"

"So what do I do now? How should I get her to give me that explanation? How should I make her talk to me?" Abhimanyu asks helplessly...

"Umm...idea! She thinks we're engaged right? Well, get ready for a rollercoaster plan" she grins.

"Nothing stupid, please Sneha"

"Well, at the end of this plan, you'll have your just do as I say!"

Author's Note: Hi guys, sorry for being a little late...really busy with work.

Do let me know your feedback :")

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