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*Abhimanyu knocks at Sneha's bedroom door for the third time*

"Papa, I've told you na, I don't want to eat anythi-" she swings open the door. 

"Abhiii..." she whispers. 

*Abhimanyu walks inside carrying a tray full of her favourite food items*

"If you refuse to eat, I'll tickle you" he smiles. 

*Sneha tearfully laughs at his dialogue as it reminds her of the time when her mom had passed away... 

She had refused to eat even then, and that's when Abhi had said the same thing*

"Sneha..." Abhi tries to initiate a conversation. 

"Wait Abhi, let me speak, please" she wipes her tears. 

"Abhi, I can't deny whatever happened in the past few days...but they've made me realise something very important- That for me, your friendship is the most valuable thing...

I can live without having you in my life in any other capacity... but I can't afford to lose you as a friend... I won't say I'm sorry for feeling the way I do but I'm sorry I didn't trust you with it earlier...

Abhi, I'm so so happy for you and I want nothing but the best for you... 

And there's no denying that the best thing that's ever happened to you is Akshara" she smiles. 

"You know how important you are to me, right?" Abhi says with tears in his eyes. 

"I know Abhi, trust me, I know" 

*Abhimanyu hugs her and they cry as 15 years of memories flash before their eyes*

"Accha, listen" Sneha whispers.


"I got a new project in California..."

"Sneha you don't need to-"

"Abhi, trust me, I do...I need to do this, and not for you or anybody else... but for myself" 

"When are you planning to go?"

"Next week...but don't worry, I'll be back in 2 months... and from what Sid told me, it'll be before your wedding... because I wouldn't miss it for the world!" she laughs. 



*Akshara knocks at the door and walks in...*

"What are you doing here?" Harsh growls. 

"I'm here to give you something" she says. 

"I need nothing from you, so get out!" he screams. 

"What I'm here to give you is advice..."


"You're asking for forgiveness from the wrong person...no matter what you say to him, he won't listen because he's not angry at you for what you did to him, he's angry at you because of what you did to her..."

"Who the hell-"

"I'm not the enemy here, sir. But if you wish to ignore my advice, that's totally your choice. 

But before I walk out of here, I just have one more thing to say- Abhi and I love each other.

And nothing you say or do will ever change that. 

I will stand by him and with him, no matter what happens now.

I deserve him because I love him, respect him and trust him. 

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