The Aftermath

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The driver calls out "The ID Card says that the girl's name is Dr. Akshara Goenka"

*It's as if the time stops then and there...

In the over-the-top silence of the crowd, an eerie silence covers Abhimanyu up...

The words of the driver play in his mind over and over

 "The passenger is possibly dead..."

"The ID Card says that the girl's name is Dr. Akshara Goenka"

For a few minutes he stays still...

But then a firm hand shakes him up*

"Dr. Abhimanyu! It's Akshara, please move!" Siddharth's scream jolts Abhi up. 

*He runs to the accident scene and pushes the crowd away, desperately, hopefully and regretfully...

The first thing he sees is a bloodied hand... 

As he gets closer, Akshara's lifeless body meets his eye...

He stops breathing for a moment and kneels down next to her, taking her bloodied hand into his own, tears falling down, drop by drop.

As the ambulance siren rings, people gather around and pick up both the injured people.*

"She's my Akshara, don't take her away, don't take her away from me" Abhimany screams and runs to the ambulance. 

"Sir, she needs immediate treatment or we'll lose her!" the nurse replies sternly. 

*Siddharth takes Abhi's hand and leads him back into the car, making him sit in the passenger's seat...

He drives in full speed, as the traffic clears out while looking at a distraught Abhimanyu who is barely in his senses*

"She needs you. Do you hear me? She needs you Abhimanyu!" Siddharth says, trying to sound as calm as possible. 

*Abhimanyu nods but his tears don't stop. Siddharth calls up the Birla hospital and on Abhimanyu's behalf, he asks the emergency specialist to make all necessary arrangements for Akshara's surgery* 


It's been three hours since Akshara was taken into the operation centre...

There has been no word from the surgeon so far and Abhimanyu lies in another ward, sedated after his huge outburst at his own staff...

When the doctors and the staff at Birla Hospital tried to keep him away from the operation centre, they saw him in an avatar which they would dread for life. 

Finally, Siddharth and Abhimanyu's brothers had to interfere and pull him away and he was sedated so he would calm down... 

"Aksh...Akshara" Abhimanyu murmurs in his sleep. 

"Akshara!" he wakes up with a jolt as the memories of the accident hit him. 

"Abhi, relax...breathe" Sneha says as she rushes to him with a glass of water. 

"Akshara? Where's Akshara" he jumps out of the bed and rushes through the corridor like a maniac... 

"Neil!" he shouts as he sees his brother. "Where's Akshara? Neil, where's Akshara?" he cries. 

"Bro..." Neil's voice is heavy with tears. 

"Neil...Neil please tell me...please Neil, where's my Akshara?" 

"She's in a ... co- coma" Neil stammers. "The doctors saved her life but-" 

*Abhimanyu runs to the ward where Akshara is lying, lifeless in a way, breathing somehow...

He goes down and sits next to her...*

"You're alright...these doctors are crazy... you're just sleeping, I you were sleeping in our bed in Goa... you sleep like an angel...they're lying, I know it" he laughs. "Wake up Akshara, please wake up" tears roll down his cheeks...

"Abhimanyu, you're a doctor, you know how critical the surgery must have been... give her time " Dr. Aastha, the senior specialist who operated on Akshara walks in...


"No buts. She's got somebody like you with her, trust me, she'll wake up soon" Dr. Aastha smiles slightly, trying to calm him down.

When Abhimanyu looks at her with a confused expression, she raises an eyebrow "Your outburst had "I love her" written all over it. I'm sure the entire hospital knows by now...

By the way, her records don't list any emergency contacts... whom should we call from her family? 

*Abhimanyu realises he knows nothing about Akshara's family...*

"I- I'll take care of it" he says and Dr. Aastha walks away... 

*Unwillingly, Abhimanyu gets up and goes to his cabin... 

He spends the entire night, looking for her details but to no avail.

After much thought, he pulls out the list of NGOs where Akshara worked and calls them up, one by one...

As he reaches the oldest one, an elderly woman picks up the call...

When Abhimanyu tells her about Akshara's accident, she starts crying...*

"Doctor Sahab, Akshu came to us when she was 16... she's such a sweet girl" the woman continues to cry... 

"Came to you?" Abhi asks. "I thought she volunteered...." 

"Akshu grew up in our orphanage Doctor Sahab... she stayed with us till she became a doctor...and then she went away to serve other children like her..." the woman weeps. 

" you know any relative, any....." Abhimanyu asks, shocked by the woman's revelation. 

"Akshu has no family, Doctor Sahab" Abhimanyu's heart breaks as he hears these words... 

*For a minute, he is unable to say anything...*

"Doctor Sahab?" the woman speaks up. 

"Uh...She has a family ma'am... She has a family!" he whispers. 



Author's Note: Hi Guys, sorry for making you wait...Please do share your feedback!

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