Family Drama

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*Abhimanyu watches as Akshara sleeps peacefully next to him...

After the beautiful moment they shared, he immediately carried her in his arms, back to her room so that she wouldn't exert more...

Sneha and Siddharth teased them for some time but then left them alone. 

Slowly, as Abhimanyu caressed her face, she fell asleep...

Now, as he watches her, lost in deep sleep, their conversation runs in his mind...

He thinks over and over again about how Akshara's life has been full of pain.

He looks at the fragile person in front of him and wonders how she got the strength to go through all of that, on her own. 

Just then, his phone beeps and he sees a message from Manjari 

Beta, I'm not feeling well, please come home...

Abhimanyu immediately gets up, kisses Akshara's forehead and leaves for the Birla House...*


As Abhimanyu reaches his house, he finds the entire family waiting for him in the hall...

"Welcome sir, welcome" his father says, mockingly. 

*Abhimanyu ignores him and looks at Manjari who looks completely alright.

On noticing his confused expressions, Harsh speaks up*

"Don't need to think so much. I sent that message from your mother's phone to call you home" 

"You what?" Abhimanyu asks, angrily. 

"Don't look so surprised! What were we supposed to do, huh? Since five days we've been trying to call you home, but you ignored all our messages and just informed your mother that you won't be able to come!" Harsh shouts. 

"I. WAS. BUSY" Abhimanyu says, trying to control himself. 

"Busy? In doing what? In ruining our reputation? In running after that girl?" Harsh shouts again angrily. 

"Her name is Akshara." Abhimanyu says, with all the patience left in him. 

"I don't care what her goddamn name is! Who the hell is she?" 

"Enough! I will not tolerate a word against her! I love Akshara, I love her. And nobody is allowed to talk about her in such a manner!" Abhimanyu shouts back. 

"Love her?" Harsh laughs mockingly. "You 'love' that so-called volunteer who works at an NGO! Is this some sort of joke? Are we supposed to laugh?" 

"I don't really care if you laugh or cry" Abhimanyu grits his teeth. "I do not care!" 

"But Abhi, what about Sneha? You said-" Manjari tries to resolve the issue. 

"Maa, Sneha and I were never in a relationship. It was just to stop you people from asking about marriage constantly! I know it wasn't exactly the right thing to do...but I was sick and tired of being asked about marriage..." 

"Wow, brilliant!" Harsh starts clapping in a mocking manner. "Brilliant, Dr. Abhimanyu Birla! Do you think this is some sort of joke? Huh?" 

"I said it was just a way out." Abhimanyu speaks up. 

"But beta, Sneha loves you" Manjari says.

"Arre maa, that was all a drama, why don't you people get it? I've never loved her. I love only Akshara and will marry only her." Abhimanyu replies. 

"Marry her? Not a chance! You are not marrying that girl. Not on my watch!" Harsh growls. 

"Then this won't be the first time when you and I disagree on something" Abhimanyu says. "Maa, she needs me, I'll have to go" Abhimanyu says and walks off. 

"Manjari, control your son, he has lost his mind!" Abhimanyu hears his father shouting in the background. 



*As Akshara wakes up, she finds the room empty... 

She is suddenly afraid that all that happened was a dream. 

She immediately rings the bell and a nurse comes in*

"Sister, where's Abhimanyu?" she panics and asks. 

"Ma'am, Dr. Abhimanyu has gone out for some time... do you need anything?" she asks politely. 

", thankyou" 

*Akshara waits for half an hour, impatient and nervous...

Just then, Abhimanyu walks in...*

"Abhi..." she tries to get up. 

"No Akshara, stay there" he rushes to her. 

"Where were you?" 

"Uhh...I went home" he immediately smiles and makes her lie down comfortably. 

"Is everything okay?" she asks, concerned. 

"Yes, everything's alright" he touches her cheek. "Let's eat a little food into your stomach" 

*Abhimanyu gets a bowl of khichdi for her*

"Ugh, I don't like khichdi" she makes a face. 

"But you will eat it because you're not well" he raises an eyebrow.

*He feeds her slowly, taking in her funny reactions as she made faces and a smile spreads across his face*

"You're a cutie, you know that right?" He teases her. 

"So I've been told by a lot of guys" she teases him back. 

"Guys? What guys?" Abhimanyu asks, suddenly jealous. 

" know tall, handsome guys...." she laughs. 

"Miss Akshara, I'm not saying anything just because you're unwell..." he makes a face. 

*The two of them continue their fun banter...

Akshara takes her medicine and falls asleep again while Abhimanyu too, falls asleep on the couch* 



Author's Note: Hi guys, what's up? 

Do give your feedback, as always!

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