A Lie

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*As Akshara walks back to her room, she receives a call from Abhimanyu*

"Akshara, why didn't you meet me? I was just told that you came to the hospital for your check-up" Abhimanyu says as soon as she picks up. 

"Uh, Abhi..." Act normal Akshara, act normal!  "Abhi, actually I got a call from the NGO...you know that sweet little kid Darshan, right? He wasn't feeling well and was asking for me" she lies.

"Oh, is he alright now?" 

"Yes, he's better" she breathes a sigh of relief. 

"I miss you so much" Abhimanyu says softly. 

"I know" Akshara tries to hide the fact that she's crying. 

"Uh, okay so I'll be a little busy today, I have two surgeries lined up, but please take care of yourself" 

"You too, Abhi" 

*As Abhimanyu cuts the call, Akshara lies down on her bed and cries at the thought of losing her Abhi*


*Later that night, Akshara dials Sneha's number* 

"Hi Sneha" she tries to sound cheerful. 

"Hi Akshara" she hears Sneha's low voice... 

"Actually, I wanted us all to have dinner together, so will you meet me at Sunset bistro in an hour?" 

"Uh, Akshara, actually-" 

"Please Sneha" Akshara asks really politely. 

"Alright, I'll see you soon" 

*Akshara wipes the tears that are rolling down her eyes and smiles at the thought of completing the first step.

She then texts Abhi*

"Hi Abhi, 

Meet me at 9 for dinner at Sunset Bistro, please? 

I'll be waiting" 


*An hour later, Akshara receives Sneha's call*

"Akshara, I'm here, where are you?" Sneha asks. 

"Uh, actually Sneha, I'm stuck in traffic, I'm sorry it'll take some time" Akshara lies as she sits in a nearby park. 

"Uh okay, I'll wait for you then. And oh- Abhi just arrived" Sneha tells her. 

Perfect. Akshara thinks.

"Uh Sneha, I think you guys should order something in the meantime. I'll reach there by the time the order comes" 

"Sure, we'll do that" Sneha says and cuts the call. 

I hope you both get time together... without any disturbance...without me.



"Hi Sneha, where's Akshara?" Abhi asks as he gets off from his bike. 

"Just talked to her, she's stuck in traffic. She told me to order something in the meantime" 

*Abhimanyu nods and they take a table and place their order. 

They discuss Sneha's latest project while waiting for Akshara...

An hour passes but she does not arrive. 

After not receiving any reply on his previous two texts, Abhimanyu calls her*

"Akshara, where are you?" He asks impatiently. 

"Abhi, I'm so sorry, but that kid, Darshan, he again fell sick. I had to ask the cab driver to take me back to the NGO, I'm so sorry I was in a hurry and couldn't inform you" she shivers as she lies to the one person she never wants to lie to. 

"Akshara, you should have told me. Anyway, I'm coming there right now" 

"No, no, no. Abhi, I invited Sneha and I myself couldn't come there... it's not right you know...

Just be there in my place and you two can have dinner." 


"Please Abhi?" she requests. 

"Alright" Abhi says, tired and hungry "But don't forget to eat something" he adds. 

"Okay, bye" she cuts the call and holds a hand over her chest as she physically feels the pain of being away from him...



*As Sneha and Abhimanyu have dinner in peace, she looks at him with a deep longing in her eyes...

She laughs as he spills some food on his shirt*

"Abhi, till date, you've never eaten anything without spilling it on yourself" she giggles. 

"Ya, ya, whatever" he rolls his eyes. 

"Such a brat" she teases him and both start laughing. 

*As Sneha watches Abhi and thinks of all the years they've laughed and cried together, her thoughts about confessing to him come rushing back...*

Should I just tell him? 

What if I lose my best friend? 

But what if I find my life partner? 

*And again, she finds herself juggling between the right and wrong...*



Author's Note: Hi Guys, sorry to keep you waiting. I've been a little busy recently, please bear with me :"(

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