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*Abhimanyu walks towards Akshara and the guy standing next to her...

He tries to control the burning rage inside him*

"Dr. Akshara, hello" he says as he stands behind her.

*She recognises the voice and slowly turns towards him. But before she can respond, she sees Sneha walking behind him...

The pain comes running back to bite her...*

"Hi, Dr. Birla" she says in a low tone.

"Dr. Birla? Oh! Dr. Abhimanyu Birla! Sir, I've heard so much about you... you're the reason I want to intern with the Birla Hospital" Siddharth greets Abhimanyu cheerfully.

*Abhimanyu smiles a bit seeing how the guy he was considering a threat, actually turned out to be his fan*

"Oh, by the way, I'm Siddharth. I'm working at the NGO as a volunteer doctor...with Akshara" he smiles.

*As Abhimanyu hears Akshara's name from Siddharth's mouth, his smile fades away...*

"Uh...this is my...friend, Sneha" Abhimanyu introduces Sneha who is now standing next to him...

"We've met" Sneha says, as she looks towards Akshara. "Hi Siddharth" she greet the cheerful guy.

"Hi..." Akshara says, trying hard to hide her jealousy...but somehow Abhimanyu notices her expressions while she greets Sneha...

*He starts to wonder why Akshara is behaving like that and at the same time, he feels a little hopeful seeing Akshara getting uncomfortable when he's with another woman.*

You don't know that Sneha is just a friend Akshara. Nothing more. In fact, nobody can be anything more than that. Because that place is yours...since the day I met you...


Okay Akshara. It's okay. Just be calm. Only a few days to go...and after that, you won't have to see him with someone can go far, far away...

"So, enjoying the lake view, you guys?" Sneha asks, breaking her chain of thoughts...

"Yaa...we were here with the other volunteer doctors, we just came away to get an ice cream" Siddharth smiles.

*Abhimanyu gets a little more irritated as he sees Siddharth's smile*

"I think we should go...the others must be waiting..." Akshara says, trying to find a reason to escape the awkwardness.

"Uh... Akshara..." Abhimanyu calls out a of a sudden as she turns to leave...
"I'll be visiting the NGO tomorrow to discuss a few things regarding the files you submitted today" he says, as nothing else comes to his mind.

"Alright..." She says.

"Bye" Siddharth waves and he leaves along with Akshara.

"She's so cute" Sneha smiles.

"You have no idea" Abhimanyu murmurs and leaves while Sneha follows him, confused by this remark...



"Come in..." Abhimanyu says as he hears a knock at his cabin door the next day.

*He sees Akshara walking inside and his heart does a little flip...*

How is it possible Akshara, that even after how you left me and broke my heart... You can still make it beat a little faster for you...

"Dr. Birla...this-"

"Akshara, you can call me Abhimanyu or as my loved ones call me, Abhi" he gives her a smile to tease her.

"I prefer to keep things professional, DOCTOR BIRLA" she stresses on his name again.

"Alright then, let's get to work then" he says...

*For the next two hours, they discuss the plan for the NGO and how to go about the surgeries of a few kids who have found donors...

As the clock strikes 3, Akshara's stomach starts making noises...*

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot we didn't have lunch..." He says as he picks up the phone.

"No, it's okay, I-"

"Hi, one large pizza please, extra cheese, no olives and extra corn" he places an order.

*Akshara is surprised to hear that he remembers her favourite pizza and her preferred toppings...

The moment Abhimanyu cuts the call, their eyes meet...

They realise that this was the last meal that they shared together...

As an awkward silence takes over, suddenly Abhimanyu's phone rings and Akshara sees Sneha's name flashing...

Abhimanyu again notices Akshara's weird reaction on seeing Sneha's name. He immediately cuts the call and changes the topic by continuing their previous discussion...

As the pizza arrives, they sit together at the sofa, while trying hard not to think about the memories that were brought back by the pizza...

As Akshara takes another bite of the pizza, suddenly Abhimanyu speaks up...

"Dr. Akshara, your documents do not list your permanent address..."

*Akshara immediately stops eating and does not know how to respond...*

"I'm just asking because-"

"I'm sorry Dr. Birla but I don't think my permanent address should be a matter of your concern. Any way, thanks for the lunch. I'll take your leave." She says and gets up to leave.

*Abhimanyu is shocked to see Akshara reacting in such an odd manner for such a simple question...

As Akshara starts to leave, Abhimanyu cannot help but speak up again..."Dr. Akshara, I would also suggest you take care of yourself while you're dealing with strangers...the lake is not such a safe place..."

*As Akshara realises Abhimanyu is talking about Siddharth, her anger returns in full flow...

She takes a deep breath, turns back and gives Abhimanyu a really fake smile*

"Dr. Birla, I would suggest you keep your concern limited to the people who are in need of it...

Moreover, I can take care of myself very well... Please save your concern for your...fiancee" she says with a heavy heart as she storms out, leaving Abhimanyu completely shocked.

My what? Fiancee? What the hell did she just say? Fian- Oh Shit! Sneha!

Oh God! Who told her about Sneha? Shit, I need to do something !

Author's Note: Hi guys, please do share your feedback :')

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