Difficult Conversations

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*As Abhimanyu went home that night, Manjari was waiting for him at the dinner table...*

"Beta Abhi, come have dinner" she calls him. 

"Maa, I've already eaten" he says softly. 

"Beta, I know the past few days have distanced us... but trust me, I love you and your happiness matters the most to me... I know you love her..." Abhi listens patiently as she continues "I know you truly love her and I promise, I'm on your side...I'll speak to her parents for your marriage.."

"Maa, she has no parents...in fact she did not even have someone who she could call family...but now she does" 

"That girl is an orphan? Someone from the streets?" Harsh's voice echoes from the staircase behind Abhi. 

*Abhi curls up his fists in anger*

"You plan to bring a 'laavaris' girl into our house and make her our bahu? Are you kidding me? You are leaving Sneha, the girl who's family business is spread over six countries, the girl who's family shares such a long time bond with us, over that stupid girl who has come from god-knows-where?" Harsh shouts. 

"I have no interest in talking to you, but if you do not stop spilling nonsense about my girl, I will forget that you're my father!" Abhimanyu shouts back and storms to his room. 



*As Sneha is going through the evening's pictures in her phone, a tear escapes her eye as she sees Abhimanyu and Akshara's photo while they shared a pizza slice and laughed over a silly joke*

Abhi, I know you're hers. I know your happiness lies with her...

But how do I explain this to my heart? How do I tell my heart that you'll never be mine? 

My heart does not want to believe Abhi... 

*Just then, a staff member knocks at her door*

"Ma'am, Dr. Harsh Birla is here to see you" 

*Surprised by his untimely visit, Sneha wipes her face and goes downstairs...*

"Harsh uncle-" 

"How could you do this Sneha? How could you?" Harsh says, with disappointment.

"What did-"

"You let that girl from the streets walk into Abhi's life and take your place? I can't believe you just gave up!" 

"Uncle, that wasn't my place..." Sneha says sadly. 

"But you want it, don't you? You've always wanted it! Don't you try and hide it now. You love him!" 

"Exactly, I love him. But HE DOESN'T! If you can clearly see my love, why can't you see that he doesn't love me, he loves Akshara?" she tries to counter. 

"Did you ever tell him? Did you ever confess your emotions?" Harsh asks. 

"I--I..." she stammers. 

"I know you haven't! I know that because I know my son... if you would've told him once, he would have understood your emotions, he would have reciprocated them!" Harsh tries to convince her...

"Uncle, I can't force him to love me" she says, defeated. 

"You know what, Sneha? Don't say anything, let him marry that girl. And then you can spend your entire life wondering about what-ifs. You have the chance but you want to waste it, then so be it. 

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