I Choose You

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*Abhimanyu stands in the balcony and watches the moon as it slowly gets covered by the clouds...

As he tries to find a symbolism in it with his life, the intercom rings and breaks his trance...*

"Hello?" he picks up.

"Hello sir, I'm calling from the reception, there's a Dr. Siddharth waiting for you here" 

"I'm coming down in a minute..." he cuts the call and rushes downstairs.


"Hi Siddharth" Abhi shakes his hand. 

"Hi Abhimanyu, I know you must be wondering-" 

"Hi know she sent you here...but Siddharth, I don't want to talk about it" Abhimanyu says coldly. 

"I know... but I need you to listen to me once" he gestures towards the cafeteria and Abhimanyu follows his lead. 

"Abhimanyu, I've lost both my parents...  I do have a younger sister and grandparents whom I call my family...

But even then, after my father passed away, there was a time when I thought life had ended for me... 

I thought I'm no longer loved or needed...

And then one day, I had a fight with a guy in my neighbourhood... when he couldn't defeat me with his punches, he threw my insecurities in my face...

He said I was just a wannabe who was fighting with him because I wanted attention...you know because nobody at home cared about me and that I didn't matter to anyone...

His words hurt me a hundred times more than his punches and looking at my reaction, he knew he had won...

When someone hits you with exactly what you're afraid of, you tend to lose your self-belief...

Since the day you got together with Akshara, someone or the other had been constantly hinting towards her that she didn't deserve you or that she would never be truly loved by someone like you...

They told her exactly what she fears the most- that you won't need her someday, that you'll leave her alone just like everyone else did...

She made a huge mistake Abhi, I'm not denying or justifying it, but she's hurting as much as you are...

She never wanted to be left alone like she was before she met you...

And that fear affected her too much...

Talk to her once again, please" Siddharth says with tears in his eyes. 

Abhi, who is also teary eyed, hugs him and asks "Where's she?" 



"Thank you for coming Abhi"  Akshara says as she hears footsteps approaching...

As she waits in the lawn of the hotel, Abhi slowly comes in view...

But before he can walk any further, she gestures for him to stop.

"No Abhi, this time I'll take the steps that bring us closer" she smiles. 



She takes a step towards him "If I'm asked who I trust the most in this world, I choose you Abhi" she says and he smiles. 

She takes the second step "If I'm asked who I respect the most in this world,  I choose you Abhi"

With the third step she says "If I'm asked who I love  the most in this world, I choose you Abhi"

And another step "If I'm asked who is my priority, I choose you Abhi"

And when there's just a little gap left, she takes another step ""If I'm asked who I wanna spend the rest of my life with,  I choose you Abhi"

And then she gets down on one knee "No matter what the question is, if it's a choice between you and anything or anyone else in this world, I will always choose YOU Abhi" 

And then she takes out a ring from her pocket "Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, I choose you for now and forever... will you do the honour of choosing me too?" she asks as a tear rolls down her eye...

Abhimanyu laughs in the midst of his tears and kneels down in front of her...

He kisses the tear on her cheek "Yes, I choose you Akshara, my heart chose you the day I saw you and since that day, I've always chosen you" He hugs her and they embrace tightly...

"I choose you Abhi" she repeats and places the ring on his finger.

"It's about time" he jokes and she punches him playfully and they both laugh...

He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out the ring that he had picked up to propose her "I've been carrying it in my pocket for days...I just couldn't..."

She kisses him lightly and gives him her hand...

He slides the ring onto her finger and then lifts her into his arms*



*As Abhimanyu carries Akshara into his room, he makes her lie down on the bed and he lies down with her...

She smiles and kisses his nose and he continues to look at her...

He yawns and she giggles* 

"Go to sleep, lover boy" she laughs. 

Abhimanyu then tightly holds her hand and pulls her closer...

She notices how his grip suddenly gets tensed...

She is then reminded of how she left him alone in Goa while he was asleep and she sees that pain and fear in his eyes. 

She kisses his forehead "I'll be here when you wake up, I promise" she smiles. 

"I want you to be with me every morning when I wake up" he pulls her into his embrace, kisses her softly and they fall asleep together...



Author's Note: Soooo guys, do share your feeback! :")

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