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*Akshara's feet shiver as she walks down the steps that lead to the lake...

As she moves closer, she sees Sneha standing there...*

"Sneha?" Akshara asks, confused and worried. 

"Akshara" Sneha sobs.

*Clap, clap, clap*

*The two of them turn around to see Abhi, a deadly expression covering his face and his lips curve into a sad smile as he claps for both of them*

"Abhi..." Akshara takes a step in his direction but Abhi gestures for her to stay back. 

"Congratulations to both of you" Abhi laughs painfully. 

"Congratulations on playing with my emotions" He screams and the girls are shocked. 

"Abhi please listen to me" Sneha says but Abhi stares at her and she shuts up. 

"Today only I will speak Sneha. 

You are my best friend na?" He gives a wry smile. 

"You know me better than I know myself...we've been together since we were know I hate lies, you know I hate when people use and manipulate other people's emotions..." 

Sneha cries and nods. 

"Then why did you never tell me how you felt? 

Why did you not confess for all the years we've been together, haan? 

Why did you wait till I finally found the woman I love?" He shouts and looks at Akshara, who is also crying...

"Abhi" Sneha continues to cry. 

"I may not have reciprocated your feelings Sneha but I would have respected them... I would have never judged you or blamed you... but now, how am I supposed to trust you again?

How am I supposed to trust that you'll share everything with me? 

How come everybody knows about your feelings, even my girlfriend knows and I don't!" He screams in pain. 

"Abhi, please-" Abhimanyu cuts Akshara in between "I will come to you too" he tells her.

He looks at Sneha "I cannot trust you ever again Sneha"

"And you" He turns towards Akshara "Akshara Goenka" 

"Am I an object?" He screams and she cries harder. 

"Tell me Akshara, answer me! How did you agree to trade me? You don't want me? I can bear that pain! But you don't want me so badly that you are ready to give me to someone else? How am I supposed to live with that?" Abhi breaks down and gets on his knees...

Akshara runs and kneels down next to him but he moves back "No Akshara...not this time. You gave up on me when you ran away from gave up on me when you ran away that day before your accident...but this time, I can't forgive you...I won't forgive you...because this time,    I GIVE UP ON YOU!" He wipes his tears. 

"When I got to know that you don't have a family, you know what my first thought was? I wanted to be your family, I wanted to love you and adore you and never leave your side...

But I guess that won't be happening now...

Because there's no love without trust, and you for one, don't trust me at all" He gets up. 

"So congratulations, both of you! Your plan was superb but Sneha, unfortunately when you sent that voice note to maa, her phone was with me and it accidentally got played...

I heard everything, I heard about the plan that you two made to treat me like a toy in your doll-house game" He laughs in pain "But guess what, I refuse to let you both treat me like that!"

"Today, I've lost my bestest friend and the woman that I love more than myself...

But I refuse to lose myself!" He says and walks away...


"Abhiiii" she cries "Abhiii please Abhi, I'm sorry" she calls out as he walks away...

*She then hears Sneha's voice and sees her crying uncontrollably...

For the next few minutes, the two of them cry over how they've messed everything up.*

Abhi, I know I've messed up and I've messed up really bad...

But Abhi, I won't give up...

Every other time when I gave up on us, you made me see the truth...

Now it's my turn!



Author's Note: Hi Guys, what's up? Please do share your feedback :")

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