The Three Days- Part 1

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*Abhimanyu tries really hard to sleep that night but his thoughts keep him awake...

He cannot take Akshara's image out of his mind...the hesitant look on her face, the emptiness in her eyes...

And then all the images from a year ago come flashing back to him*


11 February 2021


*Abhimanyu sips his beer and looks around at the beach...*

I should have never agreed for this vacation. Such a waste of time!

I could have attended that medical conference instead...

If maa had not insisted that I come here with Neil and Parth, I would have never agreed...

*Just then, a voice catches his attention...*

"Excuse me, can I get a beer please?" He turns to his left and sees a girl at the bar counter.

*Abhimanyu cannot help but look at her... she's wearing a plain black tank top along with blue denim shorts...

Her hair is falling down in waves and she has no makeup except for mascara and a lip gloss...

As her left hand rises to tuck the hair falling on her face behind her ear, Abhimanyu feels his hand instantly reaching out towards her.

Suddenly the girl looks at him with a strange look and he pulls his hand back...

She walks to the far end of the bar counter and takes a seat as she gulps down her beer.

Abhimanyu tries hard not to focus on her but can't help steal glances towards her.

She looks absentmindedly towards the sea while sipping her beer...

Even though Abhimanyu was planning to leave soon, he stays there looking at her...

After her third beer, she gets up and leaves...

Abhimanyu cannot understand why it hurts him to see her leaving but he gets his emotions in control and leaves to join Neil and Parth who are playing volleyball on the beach.


An hour later, Abhimanyu is randomly strolling and he reaches far away from the beach...

Just as he is about to turn and walk back, he notices a girl standing on the edge of a huge rock, looking down towards the running water of the sea...

As the wind blows her hair away, he sees it's the pretty girl from the bar.

Before he can react, the girl jumps into the water...

Without a second thought, he runs towards that point and when he cannot see her swimming out of the water, he too jumps in it...

He swims around trying to find her when she suddenly appears from under water and swims to the shore.

He too follows her and reaches the land.

"Are you crazy? Why would you try to kill yourself? Do you know suicide is a crime?" Abhimanyu shouts.

"Excuse me? Suicide? Why the hell would I do that?

Who told you that I was trying to kill myself?" She turns and shouts back at him.

"You-you jumped...and you were..." He mutters, a little embarrassed now.

"Cliff jumping was one of the items on my bucket list! I was just doing it for adventure!!!" She rolls her eyes.


"Umm what?" She says, annoyed.

"I'm sorry I thought..." Abhimanyu tries to cover up...

"Well Mr. Superman, you thought wrong. And next time, make sure the person you're trying to save, actually needs a saviour!" She smirks.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry" he runs his hand over his wet hair and smiles.

"It's alright, even though you misjudged, it was kind of you to look after for a stranger" she smiles.

"Umm, so let's no be strangers anymore.

*But before Abhimanyu can introduce himself, she cuts him*

"Hey, hey...wait... don't tell me your name?"  She says.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, confused.

"I have this rule...I don't share anything about myself with the people I meet on trips and so, I don't ask for their details either..."

"That's such a weird rule" he almost laughs.

"It's my rule and if you don't want to follow it, that's okay too... I'll take your leave then" she smiles and turns around.

"Uhh...wait, miss-" He calls out to her.

"Well, you can call me Alia. I'll be here for the only 3 more days, so if we meet again during that time, call me Alia" she smiles.

"In that case, you can call me...Dhruv"he replies, still a little confused...
"Also, since we're following this rule you've set, even I should get to set one"  he grins.

"Okayyy..." She smirks.

"Even I'm going to be here for 3-4 days, let's spend this time together, as friends of course" his grin grows wider.

"Ohhh... As friends..." She teases him. "Okay...but on one condition- we won't ask each other anything about our personal lives- no names, no details, no phone numbers, nothing...

And at the end of these 3 days, we'll go back to our separate ways, and not look back again" she says in a serious tone.

Although the thought of not meeting her again makes Abhi a little tensed, he manages to give her a smile "Okay, deal"

"So, where are Alia and Dhruv going now?" She laughs.

He smiles as they share a deep eye contact and replies "Wherever destiny takes them..."

Author's Note: Hi guys, hope you liked the update. Please do like and comment and share your feedback! :')

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