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*Akshara reaches her hostel and locks her room immediately...

She breaks down completely... And memories of the Goa trip come flashing back.

She always thought nothing could be more painful than what she felt when she left Abhi that night...

But today, after finding out about his engagement, she felt even more miserable...

She cried herself to sleep, not being able to take it any more...



*Abhimanyu and Sneha reach the Birla House for lunch.

As they're eating, Manjari starts talking to Sneha, while Abhi is busy thinking about Akshara*

"Abhi...beta Abhi?" Abhimanyu suddenly hears Manjari calling him.


"Beta, haven't you been listening...
I was just telling Sneha that I think it's time to think about your wedding" Manjari smiles.

*Abhimanyu chokes on his food as soon as he hears the word- Marriage*

"M-marriage..." Abhimanyu feels as if something has hit his chest hard.

*He looks at Sneha, who gives him a shocked look*

"Maa, I need to get back to the hospital for a surgery, we'll talk later" he says and leaves.



*Akshara hears a loud bang on the door that wakes her up...*

"Akshara..." She hears the voice of her fellow doctor Megha.

She opens the door after making sure her eyes don't look too swollen from all the crying "Yes...?"

"Akshara, we're all going to the lake in an hour... Go get ready" Megha smiles.

"I don't feel like-"

"All of us are going Akshara. You need to come. No excuses." She says and goes away.



"What was that Sneha? What was maa talking about?" An anxious Abhimanyu says as soon as Sneha enters his cabin.

"I have no idea Abhi. I never thought-"

"Sneha. This whole engagement drama was to keep this topic of marriage away... right?

You know I can't marry you. You know I can't marry anybody because I-"

"Still love her... You still love her, don't you?" Sneha gives a sad smile.

"I don't know what you're saying" Abhimanyu starts looking away.

"It's okay Abhi...as always you won't address this topic.

Had it not been for that one drunk night when you accidentally called me by her name...

I would've never got to know the entire story...

Well, the day you returned from Goa, it was written all over your face.

Abhimanyu Birla was in love. And not just in any love. In the kind of love that took a part of him away with her..." She gives a small, sad laugh.

"I'm going to the lake, you can come" Abhimanyu says as he tries to avoid the conversation one more time.



*Akshara sits alone on the staircase near the lake...

The first hour of the outing had been okay...she felt a little better as she stepped out in fresh air...

But suddenly, the conversation took a different turn...

The volunteer doctors started discussing their families...where they grew up, their school lives... stories from their childhood.

Suddenly Akshara started feeling overwhelmed...

She had trained herself over the years to not get affected by such talks...but today wasn't the day to test her strength.

So now, she was sitting alone, trying to tell herself how she did not need anyone...
How emotions lead to affection and affection is the easiest route to pain.*

"Hey, can I sit here?" She looks up and sees a fellow doctor standing there.

She recognises him as Dr. Siddharth "Umm..."

"I didn't want to be there with the others...I get really uncomfortable when someone talks about their family..." He says...

*Akshara, for some reason, relates to him, and gestures him to sit down.*

"I lost my mom, right after I was born...
And I lost my father a year ago...
I do have a little sister..." He smiles "She lives with my grandparents"

*It pains Akshara's heart to see how so many people are going through a similar painful situation as her... But she does not know how to console him...*

"You know Akshara, I know it's not my place to say...but you can share anything with me, if you feel like" He gives her a small smile "Okay, come on, let's get an ice cream" he grins, trying to lighten the moment.



"I don't want to talk about it... Please Sneha" Abhimanyu tells Sneha as they walk towards the lake.

"Alright Abhi...but remember, you won't get over it until you talk about it!"

"I don't-" Abhimanyu stops mid sentence as he sees Akshara at a far distance.

*Even with her being a few metres away, he can easily recognise her from the glow on her face...

Just then, he sees a guy walking towards her and he says something that makes her laugh...

He hands an ice cream cone to her and they both continue to laugh...

Abhi clenches his fists as he sees them together...

No Sneha. I'm not getting over her so soon...
And I'll make sure, even she can't!

Author's Note: Hi guys, please do share your feedback :')

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