A Decision

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*Akshara sits alone in her room, trying to find the answer that Harsh wanted her to find...*

Abhimanyu is a pure-hearted person and he deserves nothing but the best...

And I'm not the best, am I? Not in any sense...

But what do I do? 

*She is then reminded of the fact that she had to visit the Birla Hospital for her check-up.

With uncertainty covering her thoughts, she leaves for the hospital...*


No. No Sneha No! 

You've spent the entire night struggling with the same thoughts...

Stop it, you know Abhi loves her...

You can't do this to him, to them...

But was Harsh uncle right?

Manjari maa...will I lose her too?

*Sneha's thoughts drift to the time when she lost her mother due to cancer...

For days, Abhi didn't leave her side...

And it was Manjari who comforted her like her own mother...

She and Abhi slept with their heads on Manjari's lap while Manjari hummed a lullaby...

Since that day, Manjari had become a mother figure for her

And the thought of losing her mother for the second time made her numb...

Just then her phone rings and she sees it's Abhi...

She quickly gathers herself and answers...*

"Sneha, yaar where are you? I'm planning something for Akshara and I really need your help" he says as soon as she picks up the call. 

"Abhi, I'm-" 

"Just come to the hospital, I'm waiting for you" he says and hangs up. 



Okay, so it's not that difficult...

I just need to plan everything in advance.

But why am I so nervous, God help me!

*Just then, Sneha enters his cabin*

"What happened Abhi?" she asks, trying to hide her pain. 

*Abhimanyu takes a deep breath*

"I'm going to propose Akshara" he blurts out. "Her volunteering programme will come to an end in a few days and before any uncertainty takes over our relationship, I want to make her mine" he smiles and blushes. 

*Sneha's eyes fill with tears as she takes in the news...

She gulps down the sob forming in her throat and tries to smile from behind her pain*

"Sneha, I gave you such a big news and here you are, not saying a single word!" 

"I- I- I'm so happy for you Abhi" a tear rolls down her eye. 

"Arre pagli, don't get emotional so soon" he laughs and wipes off the tear. 

*He keeps talking about how he wishes to plan a perfect proposal for Akshara while Sneha silently listens, trying to nod and reply while her heart keeps sinking...*

"You know, I think I should avoid meeting her too much for a few days, I mean if I spend too much time with her, I'm sure I'll reveal the surprise before time...what do you think?" 

"As you like Abhi" she replies timidly. 

"But I can't even stay away from her, you know, especially since she's recovering...I want to be there for her, God, it's so confusing" he smiles.

"Don't worry Abhi, it'll all work out for the best" she smiles forcefully. 

"It will na? I know it will, I'm so happy Sneha" Abhi jumps in joy and the glass of water on the table, comes crashing down on the floor and a piece of glass pierces Sneha's foot. 

"Shit! Sneha, I'm so so sorry Sneha, I didn't realise that in my moment of happiness, it'd hurt you, God, I'm so sorry!" He makes her sit on the couch and apologises. 

Sneha smiles sadly "You had no idea you'd hurt me Abhi, you don't need to be sorry" 

*Abhi runs to get the first aid kit and applies the ointment on her foot*



*As Akshara walks towards Abhi's cabin, she sees Abhi on his knees, applying an ointment to Sneha's foot...

She stands still for a while...observing the two of them.

While Abhi's eyes are full of concern, Sneha's eyes are full of love and pain and longing.

Without giving a second thought, she turns around and leaves as a million thoughts run in her head*

Abhi is lucky that someone like Sneha loves him so much...

Why didn't he ever notice it?

Abhi, you're too kind and too good for me...

I don't think I deserve to be with you... 

And even if I do, Sneha does more...

But what should I do now? 

If I run away, you'll come after me until you find me...

If I lie and break up with you, you will force the truth out of me.

If I stay quiet, I'll take away your chance of sharing something beautiful with Sneha...

I- I can't leave, because if I do, you'll be stuck on me... you'll be angry at me, so so angry, but that anger will keep us connected...and it won't let you get close to her. 

I need to stay here...and I need to make sure that you see what you haven't been able to see for years.

I love you Abhi and that's why I'll help you find your true love.

I'll help you fall in love in her. 

*Akshara wipes off the tears from her cheeks and walks away*



Author's Note: Hi guys, lots of drama coming up, so stay tuned!

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