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*Akshara lies on her beds...completely numb...tears keep rolling down her eyes...

She thinks about everything that has happened in the past 3 days.

Three days ago, she had lied to Abhi so that he could spend some time with Sneha.

The next day, she met him for an hour in the evening where she tried hard to control her emotions...

Abhi's eyes had sparkled with love as they sat in a park holding hands...

He asked her several times if everything was okay and she did what she had to- lie. 

Since he had a critical surgery lined up the next morning, he had no other option but to leave.

That night Akshara received a call from Dr. Rohit, who was interning with Abhi.

He informed her how Abhi had fainted after completing the surgery due to exhaustion of a 9 hour surgery.

Just when she was about to run to the hospital, she received Sneha's call who had called to inform Akshara about the same thing. 

Akshara rushed to the hospital where she saw Manjari and Sneha, sitting in Abhi's room while he was sleeping. 

Akshara helplessly looked at the man whom she loved more than anything else in the world... 

She gave him a flying kiss amidst her tears and turned around to walk away.

An hour later, she called Sneha and told her that she won't be able to come since she's not feeling too well. 

The entire night, she stayed up wondering if Abhi was alright. She texted Dr. Rohit thrice and he confirmed that Abhi was now much better since he had gotten ample of rest...

But then, she got a call from Sneha...

And everything changed. 

Sneha asked to meet her as soon as possible and her tone clearly showed that she was pissed off. 

Akshara met Sneha in a cafe near the hospital.

"Why are you doing this?" Sneha had asked her angrily as soon as she arrived. 

"Uh, Sneha, what's wrong?" Akshara asked, completely shocked. 

"You know what's wrong. Don't tell me whatever you've been doing since the past few days wasn't planned. I'm not an idiot Akshara, I can see you're trying to pull off something, I just can't understand what and why!" Sneha raised her voice. 

"Sneha-uh" Akshara was completely shocked. 

"Abhi was lying in the hospital, asking about you since the moment he woke up... do you know how he felt when he got to know that you didn't visit him?" Sneha's anger was growing by the minute. 

Akshara sobbed as Sneha's words stung...

"Just give me an answer Akshara, I can't see my Abhi-" Sneha stops immediately, realising that she had said "My Abhi" out loud in front of his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry Akshara, I meant-" 

"Your Abhi" Akshara smiled amidst her sobs. "That is why. That's the answer to your question Sneha. You love him. And you are perfect for him. Everyone can see that, even me" Akshara smiled sadly. 

"No Akshara, he loves you" Sneha replied, taken aback by Akshara's confession. 

"Tell him Sneha. Tell him once that you love him... I don't want to take away that chance from you... I can't be with Abhi, knowing that there's someone better than me meant to be with him" 

"But Akshara...he-he does not..." Sneha's eyes filled with tears.

"Sneha, this is really hard for me, I'm sure you know what it feels like to watch the person you love be with someone else. But I- I have no family of my own...Love, I had even forgotten what love means... I've lived alone most of my life, I can do it again... I guess...

But this is probably the last chance you have Sneha, I'm hanging by a thread here... if this time I go back to Abhi, I will never be able to let him go. I love him Sneha, but I'm not strong enough to let him go tell me" she wiped her tears. 

"I'll do it. I'll tell him...I guess it's better to lose him once than to regret not telling him my entire life..." Sneha cried "Thankyou Akshara...and I-I'm sorry" 

Akshara walked away but not before telling Sneha her final decision. "Talk to him tonight Sneha. Because God knows I'm dying to meet him and I can't wait another day" 

And with this she walked off, knowing that it could be her last day in Abhi's life. 

Now, as Akshara lies in bed, completely numb, her phone rings and brings her back to reality. 

As soon as she sees its from Abhi, panic sets in. 

Her palms turn sweaty, afraid that this might be her last call with Abhi.

With her heart beating too fast, she nervously picks up the call. 

But before she can utter a word, she hears his voice.*

"MEET. ME. NOW. I'm at the lake!" His voice is full of rage and pain. And with this, the line goes dead. 



Author's Note: Hi Guys, huge drama coming up! Get ready!

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