A Letter

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*As Akshara runs through the corridor, her memories with Abhimanyu scream in her thoughts...*

He was with Sneha when we met in Goa. 

He was with her when we ki- 

*She feels nauseous at the thought of being with someone else's partner...

She cries as she rushes into her room, breathily heavily and painfully.

She holds a hand across her chest as she feels a physical pain mirroring the emotional one...

She takes her bags and for the second time, she runs away from the place that reminds her of Abhimanyu...*



"Excuse me, excuse me sir...." Abhi tries to get away from the crowd.

"EXCUSE ME!" he screams. "Please let me go" he rushes outside but does not find Akshara around. 

*He runs to her hostel and reaches the receptionist* 

"Excuse me ma'am, Dr. Akshara Goenka's room?" he blurts out. 

"Sir, she just left...." the receptionist replies, confused. 

"Left? What do you mean by left?" he shouts. 

"Sir, she had given us a notice a week ago that she'll be vacating the room by 7th April... she left about 10 minutes ago..." 

*Abhimanyu cannot believe his ears...*

She had been planning to leave all this while...

She had no intention of staying...

*Can I visit her room once?" he whispers.

"Sure, sir" she hands him the keys. 

*As Abhimanyu walks up the staircase and unlocks the door, he senses Akshara's fragrance...

He goes and slides down on the floor, next to the bed and cries his heart out...

He cries because the woman he loves has left him...

He cries because he could not tell her that he loves her...

He cries because he's not even sure if his confession would have made any difference at all!

As he desperately holds on to the table for support, a crumbled piece of paper touches his hand...

He picks it up and tries to remove its creases...*


I know that I'm late and possibly too late but...

For the past one year, I've lived with a huge regret, a regret that has not let me breathe in peace...

I'm sorry that I left Goa without an explanation or without even telling you...

Trust me, out of the many difficult decisions that I've made in life, that one was the most heartbreaking.

But now, I don't want to burden my heart with another regret and so I'll say it as it is- 

I love you Abhimanyu, 

I did not realise it back then, but I've loved you since the day we met.

I know that you've moved on in life and I will be happy for you if you choose to spend your life with her... 

But I just wanted to give my love a chance...

I know that I'm late but I just hope I'm not too late...


*The words get blurry as Abhimanyu's eyes get filled with tears... the droplets fall on Akshara's name as he reads the letter again and again and again. 

He recalls how Akshara was fidgeting with a paper in the party...*

She was going to give this to me. She loves me! Oh God, she actually loves me! 

But-but now she thinks I cheated...she thinks- Oh shit. 

*He folds the letter and keeps it in his pocket and sprints downstairs... 

He rushes to the main gate and finds Siddharth there...*

"Siddharth...you...what are you doing here and have you seen Akshara?" 

"Dr. Abhimanyu, she left five minutes ago..." Siddharth says, sounding really upset. 

"Explain!" Abhi screams. 

"Sir, she just texted me to meet her here. She told me there's some emergency and that she's leaving... 

She told me she'll visit my house in Delhi in a few days after I get free from the volunteering program here..." Siddharth says. 

"No, no, no!" Abhimanyu holds his head. 

"Sir, is everything okay? Is Akshara in trouble?" Siddharth worries. 

*Abhimanyu rushes to his car and gets in...

Just then, Siddharth slips into the passenger seat.*

"Sir, let me come with you please" Siddharth begs. 

*In no mood to waste any time, Abhimanyu races towards the main road...

As he reaches the highway, there's a huge jam ahead of him...

He waits for a few minutes, his anger rising...

He gets out of the car, fuming and starts walking in frustration*

"Excuse me, why is the traffic not moving? What the hell is wrong?" he shouts. 

"Sir ji, a cab met with an accident. The truck driver was drunk and he smashed into the car from behind... 

The cab driver is injured and the passenger is possibly dead..." a driver tells him. 

"Arre Madan" another cab driver calls out "the girl is wearing an ID Card but there are no emergency contacts listed" 

*Abhimanyu takes in a sharp breath as he hears this*

Just then the driver calls out "The ID Card says that the girl's name is Dr. Akshara Goenka"

Author's Note: Hi Guys, I'm trying to make the most of the weekend! Do share your feedback :")

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