The Confession

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"Akshara, he's in a surgery right now and it might take him a few hours..." Sneha says as she returns from Abhi's cabin "you'll have to wait a little to meet him" 

"Well, then she has plenty of time to meet me first" Siddharth enters with a beautiful bouquet. 

*He comes and hugs Akshara while she starts crying*

"You gave us quite the scare, Miss." He smirks. "Thank God you're okay!" he smiles bright. 

"Aww, you were so worried for me, haan?" Akshara asks chirpily. 

"You? No, I was worried for me and the hospital staff too!" he laughs. 


"Oh, you didn't tell her?" he asks Sneha... "Your Dr. Birla may have killed a few people, worrying about you" he raises an eyebrow. 

*As Akshara blushes, he continues* "Akshara, you can't imagine the state he was in...when you..." Akshara starts crying again. 

"He had to be sedated to calm him was as if all life had been sucked out of him" he says. 

*Siddharth looks at Akshara and smiles* "He was the reason you were in a dilemma, right?" 

*Akshara cries and nods* 

"Stop crying, silly girl or Abhi won't go home even today!" Sneha smiles. 

"Won't go home?" Akshara asks, confused. 

"Oh he hasn't left the hospital since your accident. He worked during the day and he sat here next to you all night...I think his family is planning to disown him" Siddharth laughs and Sneha joins him. 



*Abhimanyu is really tired after the long surgery and all he wishes is to go to his Akshara...

But the fear of hurting her doesn't let him do that...

As he enters his cabin, tired and defeated...a surprise awaits him...

There, in the dim light of the table lamp, is Akshara waiting for him, sitting on his couch, in his very cabin. 

He rubs his eyes, thinking it's a dream...

But when he opens them again, she's still there. 

As she tries to get up, he runs to her...*

"Akshara, no!" he goes and kneels down in front of her...

*Tears run down her cheeks as their eyes meet...*

"I was 12, when my parents died in a car crash" she whispers. 

"Aksh-" Akshara puts a finger on his lips. "I've hurt you enough Abhi and even though I can't justify it, I owe you an explanation...please let me speak" 

As he nods, she continues "I was in the back seat of the car...and I was hurt too...when we were all taken to the hospital, dad died on the way...and my mom, she was fighting for her life...but the surgeon took too long and she couldn't make it..." she cries. 

"I- I decided that very day, I would become a doctor and I would never let such a thing happen to someone else's family..." Abhi wipes her tears...

"Most of our relatives didn't bother to care except for one aunt of mine...she took me with her to her house... 

A few years passed and I had almost learned to live without my parents...

But when I turned 15, my uncle..." she cringes "He s-started touching me inappropriately..." she cries and Abhi hugs her...

"I-I thought it was a misunderstanding on my part but he did it again and again...

One fine day, I gathered the courage to tell my aunt, hoping she would help me.

But do you know what she did? She told my uncle. He suspended me from the 12th floor balcony, threatening to leave hold of me if I ever lied about him again...

That was the last night I spent there...

Next morning, I woke up early and ran away... I took a random train and travelled to an unknown place...

I had not eaten anything since two days, so I fainted when I got off the train...

The police enquired and dropped me off at the God's Children Orphanage...

That was the third time I had to begin a new life.

But I did not lose hope Abhi, I stayed there, studied hard and even got a scholarship to pay for my medical college...

During the five years that I stayed at the Orphanage, I made a really good friend... in fact, she was my only friend- Payal. 

I trusted her so much, trusted her enough to show her the gold bracelet that was my mom's last memory with me...

And one fine day, she decided to run away with her boyfriend after stealing that precious memory. 

That was the last time I trusted someone in my life Abhi, that was the last time" Abhimanyu's eyes show how heartbroken he due to Akshara's confession...

"I started travelling to different places, not staying at any place for more than a month and not going  back to a place after I've visited it once...

I never wanted to stay in a place long enough to make me want to stay forever... 

I never wanted to invest my emotions into any sort of relationship again. 

I was tired. Tired of being used, betrayed and disappointed. 

I thought the best way to avoid being hurt is by not loving at all..." she cries.

"But then one day, I met you...and I was drawn to you when I saw you at the bar...

I wanted to run away that very moment but couldn't...

And then we met again and again and again...

And before I knew, my biggest fear had come true...

I fell in love with you" she hugs him "I love you, Abhi" she cries harder.

"I know I hurt you really bad when I left and trust me, it was the most difficult decision of my life but I was scared, I was really scared Abhi, please forgive me" she cries into his chest. 

"Shh...Akshara, shh...." he cups her face "I love you too, I love you so much" he laughs. 

"I'm sorry for what you went through" he wipes her tears "but it will never happen again, okay? I'll be with you, always" their foreheads touch. 

"I love you Abhi" she kisses him on the lips. 

"I love you too Akshara" he kisses her back and then hugs her tightly. 




Authors' Note: Hi Guyyss....the confession his here!!!!

P.s I'm glad you all liked how Sneha's character shaped up.

Please do share your reviews

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