Episode 6: Things are getting hot

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24 of September of 1998

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24 of September of 1998. Raccoon City Streets, Raccoon City, United States. 1:31 P.M.

Jill and Brad gave all the boxes with the archives to the SPEC OPS Echo Six unit, who put them in the helicopter that was going to depart from the city in front of the Raccoon City. They helped the soldiers to beat a horde of zombies and zombie dogs that were coming near them. After the helicopter left with the info as well with the evacuated people, Jill and Brad decided that they needed more ammo, so they decided to go to Kendo's Gun Shop.

However, the traffic was very bad and was tacking them a lot of time. Brad turned on the police radio hearing how the police forces where having struggle to attend the many calls for help all across the city as well that it was hard to kill the great amount of zombies that they were facing, being forced to retreat. In some frequencies only gunshots could be heard finishing with terrifying screams.

-Damn! Can't we go any slower?- Jill said annoyed.

-If you want to walk you can get out of the car- Brad said –but I don't recommend it, it is safer here than outside-

-Yes, I know- Jill said.

The traffic started to move little by little. The lights turned green and the cars started to move slowly. Then the car that in front of the S.T.A.R.S. members was ambushed by a bus at high speed, launching several cars away and continuing to move at high speed. They noticed that most of the bus's windows were stained with blood.

-Holly shit!- Jill said.

-I'm on my way- Brad said turning to follow the bus.

They followed the bus, which was going in the wrong way, so the safest place to follow it was behind it, but there Jill and Brad watched with horror how a pair of zombies were eating a person inside of the bus. Jill was so angry that put down the window can took out her gun.

-Jill, what the fuck are you doing!?- Brad said pulling Jill back inside the car.

-Killing those bastards, we have to kill them!- Jill said furiously.

-I know, I know, but we have first to stop the bus if not you might fail the shoot and put yourself in danger- Brad said.

-Any bright ideas?- Jill asked.

-Well, maybe we can...- Brad said when the bus suddenly crashed and stopped.

Brad was able to stop the car in time and both of them went out of the car. Jill took out the machine gun while Brad took out his gun. Both of them took opposite directions, going Jill to the right and Brad to the left, moving forward and killing the zombies in the bus putting a bullet through their rotten heads. One by one the zombies were being took down but suddenly one broke out of one of the windows. Jill heard several gunshots and then silence.

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