Episode 26: A Snake looking for a new home

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29 of September of 1998

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29 of September of 1998. Raccoon City Streets, Downtown Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 3:19 A.M.

Solid Snake was running for his life in the devastated streets of Raccoon City. Minutes earlier some Lickers entered the Birkin's house, forcing Snake to take quickly his things and leave that place, searching for a new one, which would be hard on a city infested with the undead. Snake was being chased by a group of Hunters. They were jumping to roof to roof, building to building, car to car, trying to corner Snake.

One of them decided to launch to Snake jumping from a car. Snake heard the distinctive jump and he turned around and riddled the reptilian B.O.W. with his FAMAS. The other Hunters launched a cry war for their fallen comrade, something that was used by Snake to locate some of the Hunters by their screams and killing at least 5 of them, but at least a dozen more were after him.

-"I need to find a place to hide"- Snake said.

Then Snake saw the building of the Raccoon Press, which was once the centre for newspaper editing in Raccoon City, located in the Downtown district on Park Street and entered it. He found a lot of papers and newspapers scattered on the floors, but that wasn't the time to read them.

He went to the third floor and though in the idea of putting a trap to the Hunters putting a C4 at a corridor and then going to the nearby room, where he took out his cardboard box and put it on. The Hunters came moments later, but were confused at not finding Snake. Snake waited a few seconds and then pressed a button that detonated the C4, killing most of the Hunters and then he went out to eliminate the remaining ones.

After that, he went to explore the newspapers of the place, finding some of the first 3 days of the T-Virus outbreak. However, he couldn't find any newspaper of September 26 or the next days, so this indicated Snake that the newspapers fallen to the zombies at that day. But, he found an interesting document.

Reporter's Memo

At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that the "cannibal disease" is indeed happening in this city.

One man actually ate people to death. He was like a savage animal tearing away a new flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have heard rumors that many people are also suffering from this disease now. However, the causes of the disease is not yet known. Is this another mystery of the present disease? I will have to check on it...

They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the cannibal disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I won't give up. As a journalist, I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away. I have a duty to the people and my profession. I don't think the disease has spread nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to its creation and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it.

The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens have either died or have come in contact with the disease. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can't help but pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't matter. My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. I won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have just discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, but by some other means.

Snake put all the papers he found with the rest and then he went out of the building. Moments later he found a bus and part of the streets and the building with wholes of gunshots, but those weren't from a common gun but from a mini gun, but he didn't found any trace of blood or dead zombies on the ground.

-What kind of monster is so powerful that it requires a mini gun to kill. And why there aren't any corpses of the killed zombies. What happened here?- Snake said.

But he didn't had so much time to investigate, since there were some zombies near to him and they could alert the others, so Snake moved. Some streets later he found some papers that were stained with dried blood.

Brad's Note


It's that monster in the black suit again! Why does that thing keep chasing me?! What did I do? This must be someone's sick idea of a joke.

If I knew things were going to end up like this, I would have left the S.T.A.R.S. team a long time ago.

But whining won't help me now. I know I'm finished...

Oh... In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in bloom. If I could only see them once more before I die...

Brad Vickers

-S.T.A.R.S... that special unit. But, where is he? Is he dead? If he is dead, where is the body? Maybe become a zombie and walked away, huh?- Snake said looking around, finding just a rail of blood that suddenly stopped.

Moments later he found a warehouse in the uptown of the city full of boxes and a metal cabin. He also found 4 zombies eating the corpse of a fat man. Snake proceeded to kill the zombies and then exanimated the body of the dead man, finding a diary.

Dario's Memo

I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else.

After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not ready...

My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters.

I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long way to go.

Why did I ever listen to her?

But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire.

Cut down before his prime...

Snake put the memo with the rest of the papers that he had found and explored the warehouse, not finding anything useful to him. He decided to block the entrances with many boxes so the zombies couldn't enter there, at least not with easy and creating a lot of noise that would alert him and then went inside the metal cabin, deciding to sleep and wait for orders.

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