Episode 9: You are late Uncle Sam

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25 of September of 1998. The Pentagon, Washington, DC, United States. 3:14 A.M.

-Mister President- Morgan Lansdale said irritated –we should use all the forces of the US Army to enter Raccoon City and evacuate the civilians-

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-Mister President- Morgan Lansdale said irritated –we should use all the forces of the US Army to enter Raccoon City and evacuate the civilians-

-Mister Lansdale- Derek Simmons said- please remember that we are talking to move the American army in American soil-

-Yes, to an American soil that is under attack of the bio-warfare created by Umbrella of which we don't have trained personnel to deal with- Morgan Lansdale said irritated.

-We already have sent several teams of well-armed FBI agents to...- Louis Freeh, the FBI director said.

-With all respect director Freeh, your agents aren't trained to deal with this kind of menace. Only if we sent large groups of heavily armed soldiers in both land and air we can save Raccoon City from those... zombies- Morgan Lansdale said very worried.

-I understand your situation Mister Lansdale- Bill Clinton said –but we have to solve this in a discreet mode if we don't want that the panic expands all the country-

-"I think that you are more concerned about your image than the country"- Morgan Lansdale thought.

-Anyways, while we are talking the military, alongside the National Guard and the CDC is finishing to form an armed perimeter around the city, so no one will get out or enter- David Satcher said.

-As well we have closed the air space of Raccoon City and the only helicopters that could fly over, in and out the city will be the ones of the local government, ours and Umbrella- William Cohen explained.

-Don't you think that is a little risky to allow Umbrella to send their mercenaries to the city?- Morgan Lansdale questioned –they could order their men to eliminate any evidence, as well witnesses, that could prove that all this mess is their fault-

-Yes, we think so, but they are the most capable of facing and controlling this outbreak. Also that, if the things are so grim as the reports said, they won't be able to destroy any evidence- the Lt Gen Kenneth A. Minihan said.

-Also that we got many archives from one of the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members of the Arklay Incident that explains their involvement in the production of bio-weapons. Either way or another, Umbrella won't get away with this with their hands clean- George J. Tenet said.

25 of September of 1998. Outskirts of Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 7:25 A.M.

Orders from the General (Top Secret)

Okay, gentlemen, listen up. There's an event unfolding in Raccoon City. We have reports that there has been a viral outbreak of an unknown virus that kill everything and makes them back to life, turning them into monsters. Several FBI hostage rescue groups were deployed. Then they went dark. We've had intermittent contact with the Secret Service. We can't rule out the possibility that there was an attack of some sort. The president wants our best assets on the ground to investigate the origin of this madness and to discover if the Umbrella Corporation it's involved or not, as well to rescue many civilians as possible... and has given us a green light to get 'em out. Raccoon City Police Department communication is offline but we know through the communication with the local government that they are doing everything to restore order. To give you an idea of the potential scope of what's going on, the FAA has imposed a no-y zone over the city. Only military and law enforcement. Gentlemen, this is a real potential shitstorm and you will be dropping into the eye of it. In addition, we will be broadcasting live. Intel boys wanna figure out what's going on down there, so we're gonna do our best to facilitate them... Good luck.

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