Episode 25: Disappointments

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29 of September of 1998

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29 of September of 1998. Redstone Street Station, Downtown Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 1:55 A.M.

-It looks like that did the trick- Jill said helping Carlos to stand up.

-Even he couldn't survive that- Carlos said standing up –C'mon. Let's get out of here-

The pair went down to some stairs that connected the gas station to the Redstone Street Station.

-Carlos, I know we didn't get off to a great start, but... thanks for the save- Jill said.

-Hey, you saved my ass first. You're hell of a lot braver than me- Carlos said.

-Well, what matters is that we can get everyone out of the city now- Jill said.

-Yeah, you'll be safe- Carlos said.

-What about you?- Jill asked.

-From the sound of it. I won't be catching the train- Carlos said.

-Why not?- Jill asked surprised.

-There'll be new orders- Carlos said –if it means I can help save the city, that's fine by me-

Both of them reached the entrance to the subway, when they were received by the U.B.C.S. man that killed one of their own as well an African American man member of the U.B.C.S. This man was bald, had military clothing and glasses.

-Nicholai! How we doin'?- Carlos asked to the man.

-The town's crawling with those freaks. No chance of fighting our way out of the city- Nicholai said and then he looked at Jill –why is she here?-

-She helped to get the trains running again- Carlos explained.

-Bad time to start carrying dead weight, friend- Nicholai said while walking toward Jill –she's unreliable. Can't pull the trigger when it counts-

-Hey, take it easy- Carlos said.

-*Pff* She'll get you killed- Nicholai said to then going to the subway.

-Sorry about that. Everyone's a little worked up- Carlos said.

Jill and Carlos went to the subway, where they were received by Mikhail, who was talking to the African American man of before.

-Good work. Your reputation is well deserved. Get inside, the subway is about to leave- Mikhail said.

Mikhail then went to Carlos and the African American man.

-Carlos, Tyrell. You have your orders. You need to go back into the city and find Nathaniel Bard- Mikhail said.

-This isn't the last ride out of town, right?- Jill asked at the entrance of the subway.

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