Episode 11: Tearing apart

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25 of September of 1998

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25 of September of 1998. Raccoon City West Outskirts, Raccoon City, United States. 2:52 P.M.

Some of the soldiers sent by the U.S.A. Army managed to establish themselves at some points of the Raccoon City Outskirts, putting there improvised fences and evacuation points for the citizens, which didn't understood at all what was happening at the city, just seeing how the "cannibal disease" of the bizarre murders of months ago spread though people of the city, causing them to attack the others as savages.

They didn't had any idea that the "cannibal disease" had spread all across Raccoon City and had taken thousands of victims that were now zombies seeking to kill and destroy the live. While some of the citizens were scared, other were irritated and demanded answers that the common soldiers didn't had, as well that great part of their superiors. They only gave them the short and confuse explanation that an unknown disease was killing people and turning them into zombies.

-"It's safe inside the fence. Outside, everything's dead, everyone's gone. This is, uh, day two. Two days since the "cannibal disease" appeared in Raccoon City and six hours that fence went up and our little green friends moved in"- a man thought while writing his thoughts in a book –"People outside the fence, they took the last of them two days ago. People just like us run like cattle, piled into trucks, one suitcase apiece, just for one piece of fresh flesh"-

Inside the fence the people were living their normal lives, except that they couldn't get outside the fence without supervision, watching with horror the news of how Raccoon City was being destroyed by the undead, as well that some of their neighbors were death and turned back into zombies, so they were killed by the National Guard, who were checking the people to see if they were infected as well that transporting some of them out of the fence to take them out of Raccoon City. At least that's what the National Guard said.

-All right, listen up here, folks- the Lieutenant Moyers, from the National Guard said. The people went near him- As commanding officer of this detachment, I am proud to announce that we are infect free for a six mile radius around this perimeter. We are on the offensive. The tide has most definitely turned-

The people clapped happily, thinking that their lives could return to the normality with ease.

-All right, command asked that I read from the following. Hear first and then ask: "Be advised, the DZ remains off-limits while Hazmat teams dispose of any bio-hazardous material. Curfew will remain in effect until further notice. The new health screening policy will continue. Sanitation, water treatment, and other services will return as we approach total containment"- the Lieutenant Moyers said.

-What is bio-hazardous material?- a woman asked.

-Well, we can consider it the those rotten people as well any body part that fell from them. Also their blood and any other fluid- a medical soldier explained.

-Sir, we need medicine. What about that?- another man asked.

-We are working on that citizen- the Lieutenant Moyers said –meanwhile you boil that water-

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