Episode 10: Dawn of the Dead

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25 of September of 1998

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25 of September of 1998. Raccoon City Streets, Raccoon City, United States. 7:50 A.M.

Jill woke up by Brad. He told her that the Chief Irons ordered them to go for gun supplies for the RPD, so they went to the Kendo Shop, were they found Robert Kendo killing a bunch of zombies with a shotgun. They arrived and helped him to eliminate all the zombies that were nearby his shop. He thanked them and gave them the ammunition that they requested. Jill told him to take shelter on the RPD. He thanked her though he considered that he and his family were safer there.

Jill and Brad returned to the RPD with the ammunition and the Chief Irons ordered them to patrol the city. After having a little breakfast, Jill and Brad went to the car that was parking in front of the Police Station and the police opened the pair of the east barricades that they made to defend the Police Station from the zombies. Brad turned on the radio while Jill was looking outside, seeing the zombies walking over the city or eating a body while some helicopters were flying over the city. Her worst dreams come true besides her best efforts. She has failed.

-You're listening to 777, RC-Radio, the lucky station. We are transmitting at live at the City Hall, were Raccoon City Council, in absence of the Mayor Warren, is going to make an announcement- the male reporter said to pass.

-A city wide emergency has been declared. The CDC has quarantined all Raccoon City. No one can enter, nor get out the city without being first checked by the authorities- a man said a little nervous.

-What!? No fucking way!- Jill shouted angrily while in the radio could be heard many reporters making a lot of questions, creating a lot of confusion.

The Raccoon City Council managed to put some order and attended one question of a reporter.

-Is it a virus?- a female reporter asked.

-We don't know- the man said.

-How does it spread?- a male reporter asked.

-We don't know- the man answered.

-Is this an International Health Hazard or a military concern?- another female reporter asked.

-Both- the man said trying to stay composed.

-Are these people alive or dead?- a male reporter asked.

-We... don't know- the man said with clear consternation in his voice –no more questions, please return to your homes and pray, pray that we can survive this-

Then the reporters started to make a lot of questions and noise, making everything hard to hear and understand. Brad changed of frequency.

-This pandemic has spread faster than any disease in modern history...- a female reporter said when Brad changed the frequency.

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