Episode 20: Cursed Encounter

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28 of September of 1998

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28 of September of 1998. Warehouse, Uptown Raccoon City, Raccoon City, United States. 8:23 P.M.

The warehouse had several boxes of products and many forklifts. It had an office above which could be accessed going through some stairs and a backdoor exit. Jill went to the stored products, but, for her bad luck, those products weren't canned food and they were defective.

-Who is there!?- a man shouted from above.

Then a white, fat and middle aged man went out of the office and walked down stairs. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a brown jacket and blue jeans.

-Who are you?- Jill asked.

-I am the one making the questions here- the man with aggressiveness while walking downstairs.

-Jill Valentine, from RPD S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team- Jill said.

-Oh, a cop, thank goodness. With you here I will be safe- the man said relieved.

-Who are you sir?- Jill asked.

-I am Dario Rosso- Dario said.

-You work here?- Jill asked.

-No, I am from out of the town. I came here for some business when the zombies started to invade the city. I came to this warehouse for safety just a few hours ago- Dario said.

-Do you have any weapon?- Jill asked.

-No and I haven't found any here, just some ammo. Maybe the workers here took all the weapons they had and left this place. But I don't know why, this place is the perfect safe spot to wait for the military to arrive and rescue us- Dario said.

Jill reloaded all her weapons and there went to the windows of the warehouse to see the exterior. There wasn't any zombies nearby.

-OK, we gotta get out of here- Jill said returning to Dario.

-What!? What do you think you are talking about!?- Dario shouted shocked –I just lost my daughter out there! I dare you to tell me to get outside!-

-I'm sorry about your daughter but there is no going to be any rescue. We need to get out of here!- Jill said.

-No!- Dario shouted –I'm not going anywhere. I'd rather starve to death in here than being eaten by one of those haunted monsters! Now leave me alone!-

Dario then ran and entered to a container in which he locked himself. Jill then decided to explore the warehouse to find the ammunition that Dario said before, deciding first to go to the office of the warehouse. There she found that the office was full of boxes, some in the floor and some above the desk, as well that there was an old typewriter over one of the desks. There was a cabinet near the window of the office. She inspected it and found some ammunition for her Samurai Edge as well a key.

Jill took the key, hoping that it would be useful to her. She explored the rest of the cabinet, founded various reports, but all of them were regarding about the storage and delivery of boxes, without no one regarding about the zombie outbreak and don't explain a clue of what happened to the workers of the warehouse. Jill then went down and tried one last time to convince Dario to get out of there.

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