✔Prolog // Escaping

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She awoke with a feeling of dread.

She was breathing, but it felt as though she was fighting this invisible force that kept pushing the air down her lungs. It was tiring. She felt extremely tired.

She was lying down. She could feel the back of her head, back, butt and legs touching something, a surface. And in turn, she could feel all of her body weight against said surface, to the point she felt that even gravity was too heavy. She couldn't move.

She tried moving her arms and legs, but they just placidly rolled over the surface she was on. Her body wasn't functioning and she was only waking up. But as she felt her heart beat increase in her chest, limbs scraping on that horizontal place, a sense of panic grew in her.

She'd been there before. In that situation, waking up, feeling like she couldn't move, react, completely exposed and vulnerable. As her mind seemed to catch up with her body, her breaths picked up as panic started making her muscles flinch. She wasn't safe. She had to get out.

She forced her eyes open. Everything was dark, it was evening. The ceiling greeted her, dark and empty. The room was abnormally hot, or maybe she had a fever. She tried swallowing, but her throat was sandpaper. Her heartbeat was exploding in her chest, drumming in her ears. The adrenaline was too much, if it kept going, she would crash again.

She had to get out. That thought wouldn't go away. She recognized she was unsettled and she couldn't remember why. She couldn't think why. Did it matter? No, something wasn't right. Nothing felt right, her body felt weird, her mind, the hotness, the darkness. The void.

It wasn't the first time. She'd felt it before, she was certain. That's why it wasn't safe, it would happen again. She had to get out. She held onto that, her only coherent thought.

She tried again, with all her strength, to get up. Instead, she curved in a ball towards her left side. She felt something on her left arm. She used her right hand to feel it and panicked when she felt the line with the needle deep in her vein.

She took it out forcefully. She didn't know what it was but she trusted nothing and no-one until she could get her mind straight. First, she had to get out.

When she dropped the needle, it swung in the open space. That alarmed her, and she forced herself to try and see beyond her arm. She couldn't. It was a dark abyss. She had to get up, the abyss was the way. No, the abyss wasn't safe. What if she fell? What if she fell forever? What if there was no ground? No, it was safer to stay still. Safe, it wasn't safe. She needed to get out. That was the only way. She had to get out.

She hit the floor harshly. Her head banged against it, making everything even more dizzy than it was already. She could only feel her weight pressed down to the floor. Her head was throbbing.

She felt a wall with her fingers and she tried to put her head against it, to gain some level. Her blood rushed down, her heart pounding like she was running a marathon. She had to calm down or she would have a heart attack before she could get out. She tried controlling her breathing and found that her muscles obeyed her, her diaphragm was collaborating. Soon, the others would follow.

She opened her eyes again after she couldn't tell how long, and she saw it. A door across the room. It was closed, but that was it. The way out. She just had to reach it.

She wasn't going anywhere. While she laid there breathing, oppressed by gravity itself and with a huge pounding headache, her body refused to move. Her heart dropped to the floor when she realized she was weak. She was too weak to move, too weak to get away, to even think why she had to get out. And if that was the case, she'd be stuck there and it would happen all over again.

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