❤️🔪Yandere! Gon x Killua🔪❤️

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                   Modern/School AU  
                           ♡ Him♡


Gon POV:
  I was in class doodling (Killua, of course) and was barely listening to the lecture because I knew most of it already from homeschooling. This was one of my favorite classes because it's one of the only classes I have with Killua! He's my everything and sadly only a best friend. Though, that also mean I know all of his secrets! Like who he likes or hates! I can easily get rid of them for him, even if he doesn't know that. I realized I was staring at him zoned out once I saw him look back and I just looked back at the teacher, making it seem like I actually cared.

When I looked back at him, he was still staring! I decided to give him a smile and he did the same as he looked back to the board. He is so handsome! No. Perfect. After class, I walked up to him and we just started talking to each other on the way to lunch.

Killua POV:
During lunch, me and Gon were talking about how dumb teachers were when I suddenly just looked into his eyes as he talked about something he's really excited about. God, he's so pretty- WHAT?!? NO! I... I can't think that... I know he'd hate me if I told him how much I love his voice. His gorgeous brown eyes that remind me of gardens and plants. His smile that could light up the world if it went dark... Hell, he does light up the world... My world.

"Killua? A-are you okay?" Gon says, snapping me out of my trance. "O-oh! Yeah, sorry Gon." "It's alright!" He said with the biggest smile ever. Suddenly, he said he forgot something in the classroom, like usual, and went to get it before the next class.

Gon POV:
As I was talking to Killua, giving one of my smiles I only give him, I saw someone staring at Killua as they left to a classroom. I told Killua I forgot something and he seemed to believe it, thank God! As I went into the classroom, lots of kids came out. Once I looked inside, I saw the kid on the ground crying. "Hey! Whats wrong?" I say, faking a smile. They told me that the kids were teasing them about their Crush. On. Killua. I immediately dropped my smile as they kept talking about how much they 'love' Killua. I locked the door behind me as I walked passed them to close the blinds. The bitch stopped talking.... Confused.

~!3rd Person!~
Gon closed the blinds and turned back to the person who finally stood up. '
"I have a secret for you! Can you keep it?" Gon asked, walking closer to them. They nodded their head, confused on why he trusted them enough to keep a secret. Gon finally stood straight in front of them, hiding his butterfly knife behind his back. "Well, your not the only one who loves Killua! Hell... I doubt you could even get close enough to him to actually say anything because your just a little. Whiny. Bitch." As Gon said those last three words, he stabbed them with his butterfly knife. Careful he wouldn't make to big of a mess. The kid just stared up at Home, hatred in their eyes as they said one last sentence. The sentence that finally pushed Gon passed his breaking point..

"Killua would never love an ugly MONSTER!!"

Gon soon didn't care about the mess as he started to stab over and over, first at the neck so they couldn't be to loud. Soon enough, the room was all red and anyone who entered couldn't see anything but blood. Gon finally came back to his senses as he saw the huge mess. He decided to make it look like it was a suicide. After that, he did what he could to clean with what he had, which was wet wipes, Kleenexes, safety gloves (it was a science class) and germx. He had a change of clothes on him at all times, to he changes and got rid of evidence that would lead the murder to him. After that, he unlocked the door and almost left, until he noticed he forgot his butterfly knife and just switched it out with a kitchen one.

Killua POV:
Gon has been in the classroom for a while, so I decided to check on him. I walked into the classroom and all I saw was a body and Gon switching out... Knifes?!?! I gasped and he heard me as he turned around and stared into my eyes in terror. I looked back to the body and realized it was the person who would keep looking at me during lunch. "K-killua.... Um... I can explain everything! I promise!" He started to walk over to me but I began to step back, holding the doorknob. "DONT COME CLOSER, O-OR... OR ILL GET A TEACHER, YOU FUCKER!" He looked... Hurt? I feel bad- NO! He killed someone! But... So have I... I kept fighting back and forth in my head until I felt something soft and warm touch my lips. I finally looked and realized he kissed me.

All I could taste was blood and the food from lunch earlier. I started to cry, realizing why he did this. I pulled away and tried to talk this out with him. "Gon... This isn't okay! Y-you know... Right? You can't kill people! Not even if it's for me.." he seemed upset, hopefully being hit with reality. "Why not? I mean... It's all for you're love! I can't have ANYONE take you from me, Killua! You are mine." I stare at him in disbelief and....affection.

               He felt the same way..

A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't been on. A lot has been going on! And if you've read my other book, you may have already read something like this but yeah! I'll try my hardest to update for all y'all! Have a good day/night/afternoon BAIIIIII
           •||•Word Count: 1034 :)•||•

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