Chapter 5

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Emilio has never panicked this hard in his life. No bad grade, close call of a scandal, or name people called him made him panic this hard. He sat in the stairwell under the stairs, ten minutes into a panic attack. Steps down the stairs made him silence himself completely. Lukas appeared with Carla, looking under the stairs, knowing exactly where Emilio would be. That's when he broke into tears.

They all walked to Carla and Lukas' room quickly and as quietly as possible. Emilio was given questions as quickly as the younger two could give them. Emilio wasn't crying because he kissed the prince. He loved that kiss. It'd be among some of his best memories forever (the scene after it being in his worst). As great as it was. He was terrified of what would happen when people found out. That's why he was sobbing his eyes out in front of his little siblings on the couch.

"'Mili, you're not talking to us!" Carla shouted

Carla was far too young to be the one comforting him. She was only 8, but due to being around the Lukas-Emilio sibling dynamic all her life, she grew the same compassion and learned the same techniques they used for each other. But due to the naivety of her youngness, she didn't always use the right tone, explaining the yelling she used.

"Calm down, Carla," Lukas told her, "Take your time, Emilio"

Emilio shoved his face into a pillow. He couldn't tell his little siblings he kissed the prince. First off, they'd never believe him, second, they would overreact once they did believe him, and third...

They'd encourage him to start something. A friendship at least. They could see through him. If he told them, they'd know he wanted the same action to happen again.

So, he kept his mouth shut.

"'Mili, we can't help you if you're in a pillow," Lukas said softly

Emilio lifted his head a bit, "I don't want to talk about it or any help. Let's just drop this, please,"

The 'please' came out much more painful than he tried to make it. He wanted to be strong. He couldn't.

"Okay" Lukas replied quietly, "But c'mon, sit up, let's watch legally blonde, that'll cheer you up"

Emilio let out an unexpected laugh. Carla complied with this idea quickly, Emilio and Lukas both knew it was one of her favorites too. They all sat and watched.


Somewhere in the middle of the movie, they stopped to make dinner and some popcorn. Lukas made popcorn, Emilio the mac and cheese, and Carla, wanting to help, grabbed drinks from their fridge once everything was done. They finished the movie and all was good. Emilio stretched a bit and yawned, glancing down at his siblings who were already asleep. He got up carefully, so as to not wake them and went to the kitchen.

He took some of the leftover mac and cheese and put the small amount in a bowl. He moved it around, eating some once in a bit, thinking. Thinking led him to crying very quickly. He kept his sobs as silent as possible, burying his head in his hands. He used the counter for support. He hated this. He hated it so much. He hated how much he wanted the prince. He hated this system. He hated everything about this world. He-

"Yeah. We need to talk about this."

Lukas' voice made him jump. He turned to look at his little brother. Lukas sat and patted the chair at the table next to him. Lukas and Carla, the only things he didn't hate in this world.

Emilio sat and Lukas started.

"We need to talk about this. I've never seen you cry this much. You need to get whatever this is off your chest" Lukas said

"You won't believe me" Emilio replied

"Try me" Lukas shot back

"The prince and I kissed."

Lukas fell silent, trying to comprehend the new information given to him. Emilio sat there, putting his head in his hands once again.

"How? Why? You have to give me more than that!" Lukas exclaimed

"Early today, he hurt his wrist when his horse threw him off. I was right there and went to help, because why wouldn't I? I do that and he starts flirting with me. I told him he shouldn't because I'm well, me! He asked my name, I said it didn't matter and was going to get him an escort to the medic when he said he'd go himself. I let him and we went our separate ways. Then he showed up at my door like 'I'll kiss you if you tell me your name' and for some god-forsaken reason I agreed! We kissed, I told him, and ran"

At some point in the rant, he stood up and started pacing, but Emilio couldn't tell when. But at the end, he sat back down, seconds from crying again. Lukas fell silent but wrapped his arms around his brother. Emilio hugged back.

"You like him," Lukas said

Emilio nodded

"You should talk to him"

Emilio shook his head

"Why not, and don't give me the reason that it could cause a scandal. A real reason that's not that scapegoat"

Emilio stayed silent

"Exactly, now, try to get with him alone to talk to him. No relationship has to come from it. Just to get both your feelings in the air. Knowing you, you've had this crush for a while but only just realized"

"Why are you so good at this?" Emilio asked

"Because Mili, I have experience" Lukas replied

"Excuse me?" Emilio asked incredulously

"I have experience"

"Okay, on a night where I'm not incredibly exhausted you're telling me"


Emilio chuckled and stretched, standing "Thanks"

"No problem, you sleep in my bed tonight, I'll take the couch, better than going back to your dorm," Lukas said

"I don't need the bed, I can sleep on the cou-"

"Don't give me that shit" Lukas cut off "You just sobbed your eyes out for the third time, go sleep"

"You're the best"

"I know right?"

They both laughed. It was good to feel this way again. Understood. Emilio enjoyed the feeling. They put Carla in bed but before they slept, Emilio asked one thing to Lukas.

"I never told you I was gay, how'd you know?"

He crossed his arms, "Honey, I have a good gaydar and you don't hide it all that well. Now sleep. You need it."

"Night, Luk"

"Night, Mili"

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