Chapter 39

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I fucking despise the Bunk'd theme song for whatever fucking reason


Emilio was getting his things. He glanced up and saw Ia talking to Adam as they walked. She looked good in a skirt. Emilio was a bit impressed, he would never have the confidence to do that. Ia pulled it off effortlessly. She looked extremely confident and happy too.

Emilio focused back on what he needed for class. Damien was out. He still had the remains of a fever. Emilio would visit him after school. They would have snacks and watch a movie or two. It'd be chill.

"Yeah, me and Prince Damien are together"

Never-fucking-mind then.

Emilio looked over to the girl who said that. He had heard of her, Vicky. She gossiped a lot, most were rumors. Now she was starting new shit and it involved Damien. Emilio had half a mind to go over and tell her to shut the fuck up, but he stayed level. He closed his locker. Emilio just walked past. Stay calm and-

"Oh my god, there's Alonto." Vicky whispered quite loudly, "I heard he got his homosexuality because he was a bastard child. Probably true too. Just what happens when you're one of them I guess."

This was gonna be a long fucking day.


Emilio excused himself from one of his classes when his father wouldn't stop calling him. He went into the hallway to answer.

Emilio started, "What's so important that you're interrupting-"

"Your mother's missing."

Emilio stopped. He gripped his phone tightly. He took a deep breath, praying his voice wouldn't be too shaky.

"What?" Emilio asked

"She's gone. I've looked all I can. She left. I don't know where. She left no clue as to where she went. The police are here looking into it. I'm calling to let you know and for you to tell your siblings" his father said

His father didn't sound level headed either. He sounded terrified, the first time Emilio's ever heard him like that. He wanted to scream. Anger ran through him. Impulse grabbing hold.

"I... what the fuck am I supposed to tell them?!" Emilio started, now he couldn't stop, "You're the adult! The father! You're supposed to be the one! You're supposed to come here and tell us in person, hold us when we cry about this! But no! Because your a fucking selfish coward! You only care about your precious reputation. I stopped being relevant as soon as people found out! I have problems too! You act like I don't also have shit going on! I fucking hate you Henry Schulz. I hate you. I'll tell them to save them the pain of having to see your fucking face."

Emilio hung up, not letting Henry get a word out. Henry no longer felt like a father to Emilio. He never really did, in retrospect. If his mother wasn't coming back (which he hoped-and felt like she would), there was no connection anyway. When he glanced back to the door, he realized it was ajar. The entire class heard it and was staring at him.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." he told the teacher, she nodded and he left

Emilio sped walk to the bathroom, staring at the ground. This caused him to run straight into Mr. Santiago.

"Oh crap- sorry, Mr. Santiago" Emilio said, helping him pick things up

"It's no problem, Emilio," Mr. Santiago replied, grabbing things, stopping when coming face to face with his former student, "Are you okay? You're crying"

Emilio touched his face, sure enough, it came back wet.

"Oh. Sorry" Emilio replied

"Don't apologize, everything okay?" he asked, genuine worry in his voice

So many replies raced through Emilio's head. He just nodded instead.

"Okay," Mr. Santiago said, "You know you can come to my room anytime right? Even when I'm not there."

"Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Santiago." Emilio replied

"No problem, Emilio. Anything for my favorite student." Mr. Santiago said

Emilio smiled up to him and he ruffled Emilio's hair quickly and they went their separate ways. Emilio went straight for the bathroom. While there, he debated calling Damien. He debated telling him about Vicky, the rumor, his mom, Henry, Ia being amazing, everything.

But alas, Emilio didn't. His boyfriend was sick and going through shit too. He shouldn't load that onto him. Not now, at least.

Soon enough, Emilio left the bathroom, walking back to class. When he approached, there was his councilor, Mrs. Martin. Many things ran through Emilio's brain, but one word prevailed: Fuck. He approached her cautiously and she smiled at him when he came over, holding his things.

"Hello, Mrs. Martin. Could I help you?" Emilio asked

He acted stable, calm. This was the last thing he needed.

"I heard what happened out here. Just checking in. I was wondering if you wanted to talk and such." Mrs. Martin asked carefully

"I don't. I'll be heading to class now" Emilio replied, beginning to walk

"This is mandatory." she said

Of fucking course.

Emilio had an urge to shout curses at her. Tell her to go away or run away himself. The thought passed through his brain. His phone was on him, if he ran like hell he could get away. But unfortunately, he was already agreeing and following her quietly through the halls.

They sat down in the office. The only thing Emilio liked about Mrs. Martin was how her office was set up. She put the students' chairs right next to the window. Emilio could look out the window to the area below. Today, it was slightly open, a breeze entering the room softly. He briefly considered climbing out of it. Mrs. Martin started before he could go through with it.

"So, Emilio. You were talking to your father on the phone? What happened?" she asked

Emilio sighed, starting, "I was speaking to Henry on the phone. Yes. He was being unpleasant and I snapped. It's been a long day. I've been especially irritable today too."

"Right, okay." She scribbled stuff down, "Why's that? What happened today?"

Emilio was seriously considering the window option.

"Just hasn't been my day." Emilio replied

"What about your- uh- Henry. What did he say?" Mrs. Martin asked

"None of your business. It's personal." Emilio replied

"Are you sure you don't want to-?" she asked

"Completely." Emilio cut off, "Can I go now?"

"I have a few more questions." she said

Emilio sighed, crossing his arms. He held back an eye roll.

Mrs. Martin sighed deeply, "Go ahead."

Emilio nodded, walking out with his backpack. They were already switching classes. It was the last period.

"Emilio, wait" Mrs. Martin called

Emilio glanced back.

"Are you crying?" she asked

Emilio tapped his cheek, it came back wet. He didn't answer. He just walked out into the sea of students. He kept his head down. The rumor Vicky started spread. People were talking about it. God this sucks. Life sucks. He hated himself so much at that moment. He wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

The next thing he knew, he was being pulled to the side, there stood Ia, in all her glory. The other 5 were around her. She was mad as all fuck.

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