Chapter 23

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Damien was back a few days later. Emilio was sure to take off for "rest" for as long as he was expelled. Emilio was at his locker, practically hiding his head in it as he changed his stuff around. He had gotten stitches for his head which were now gone, but there was still an extremely visible mark on the side of his forehead. Not to mention the bruising on his jaw and the rest of his body.

He put his backpack on, closing the locker. He looked down as he walked through the halls. Don't be noticeable. Blend in. That's what they always told him. But people looked at him as if he were screaming bloody murder.

He walked into his first class. It was a B day. Language Arts. He sat in the back where he always did. Damien walked in a minute later, glancing at him quickly before sitting in his seat, a few seats up.

Emilio stayed quiet. People glanced at him, but he ignored them, distracting himself by taking out his things. He was still sore, but was better generally. He winced slightly, going to grab things, but sat up as it passed.

He slowly opened his book. It was an honors class, as most of his classes were. He flipped through the pages mindlessly. He needed something to do. Some sort of productivity.

He took out his notebook and flipped to a random page. He drew a grand staff with the lines, beginning to draw notes in the lines and spaces. He wasn't completely sure of the point. But it was nice enough. Playing with the treble notes and possible chords he could play. After 8 measures of that, he moved to bass clef. Here was the hard part, harmony.

Notes in the wrong places could cause dissonance which could steer people harshly away. He carefully selected the notes, noting the music theory he's learned. After, he started over again. Repeating the process He glanced at the finished product. 16 measures or 4 bars of music. He'd have to play it to see if it actually sounded good. His hopes weren't too high.

His LA teacher snatched the notebook from his desk. He forgot to pay attention. Of course he had.

"I will not tolerate the continuation of things like this in my class!" He said, "Emilio. I have been very kind to you but if you're doodling in my..."

He trailed off after taking a good look at him. Emilio glanced down. He didn't wanna meet the eyes of his classmates..

"Right." the notebook was placed down, his teacher continued, "Don't let this happen again. This is a warning for all of you. Now, go to page 48."

Emilio could already tell he would hate today.


Damien joined Emilio under the stairs for lunch for the whole week. On the Monday after, Lukas finally found them, and he and Carla started joining them for lunch. This particular day, they decided to go riding. It was the next Monday. Things were getting better. The stares and such. But there was still some hostility in the air around him. Especially during sparring.

"I haven't seen Nora all weekend" Damien noted, "Hasn't answered her phone either"

"Weird" Emilio replied

"I know right? I'll go check on her after this" Damien said

"Sounds good" Emilio replied

As they walked up, they noticed someone locking up the stables. It wasn't Czeslaw, and it should be open until 7. It was 4:30. They jogged up.

"Hey. Are the stables closed?" Damien asked the guy

"Yeah. Haven't you heard? The stable boy quit so he could go to America. I think it was school or something. He left this past weekend." the guy told them

"We hadn't heard, sorry" Damien told him

"No problem. I'm just here feeding them." the guy said, they nodded

Damien thought for a moment, then started running. Emilio, in a panic, quickly followed. The two ran up the flights of stairs to Damien's hallway, Emilio struggled to follow. Damien opened Nora's door, going inside. Emilio stayed out. He wasn't gonna barge in.


"Nora, Nora! I swear to god if this is all some sick joke-" Damien said, searching through her dorm

Nora had told him something he barely processed seriously until he found out Czeslaw left. She told him she wanted to run away from this life. Start a new one. Maybe with Czeslaw. He told her it was too risky and cast it to the back of his mind. She might've actually gone through with it.

Damien went into her room and into the closet. There was a small door, connecting their rooms. When you went into the door, there was a small room. They found it when they were much younger. There was an envelope there. It had his name on it. It had a bit of weight to it. He opened it immediately.

'Hey Damien,

So yeah, all me stupid if you want. Maybe this is dumb. I have no clue. Impulse got the best of me here. I know that. But hear me out.

We planned it out and we're safe. Czeslaw and I will be getting an apartment together in the states where we'll be going to school. We'll be working and be with each other a lot. We'll be protecting each other.

That being said, you have something to protect too. I know you consider me one of your only close friends. I'm sorry for leaving, but I promise I'm not leaving you behind. Focus on Emilio. Be there for him, because he needs you, and you need him, more than you probably need me.

Not to say it's good that I left. You're crushed, I know it, I've broken you. Oh how will you ever forgive me?

I hope that made you laugh. Or smile at least.

Take the thing I put in the envelope. Use it when the time is right. With the person who is right.



She's gone.

Damien felt a tear roll down his cheek. God how could he have been so dumb. Of course she'd leave. Because that's always been what she wanted. Hell, even as kids they planned escaping this life. Nora was the one who actually went through with it.

He glanced at the envelope shakily. Picking it up, and gently shaking out its contents that were left. One thing fell out.

The engagement ring.

Damien sighed quietly, putting it into his pocket, with the note. He left the room, and the dorm, closing the door behind him. He glanced at Emilio. He looked worried, but indecisive. Damien grabbed his arm, and pulled him along.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" he asked

Damien pulled him into his dorm, closing the door, and pulling Emilio close, sitting on the floor against the door. Damien let himself cry a bit. Emilio hugged him close. Damien held onto Emilio like if he didn't, he'd disappear.

"She's gone. She's really gone." Damien whispered between sniffles

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm right here. I'll always be right here. Just like you for me. We're a team. Okay?" Emilio said, asking at the end as he gently wiped Damien's tears away

Damien nodded. He considered pulling out the ring. Asking him right then and there. His emotions were high enough that he would. But right as he was about to, his brother came over. The two weeks were not yet up.

"Damien, are you okay?!" he asked, kneeling down to the two boys

Damien started crying again, Emilio kissed his forehead gently. Ivan helped the two boys up, bringing Damien to the couch with Emilio's help. Once they got there, Damien was hugging Emilio again as he explained. Ivan and Emilio tried to help all they could, but he ended up just falling asleep there. Leaving the first born-prince and disgraced noble there. Leaving them for the kindness of sleep.

This was only the beginning.

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