Chapter 33

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Time for dyslexia and Americans :)


Czeslaw was struggling to say the least. He was found to have severe dyslexia when he was 5. He didn't have to practice reading much, therefore, never got good at it. So being told to read 7 book chapters to catch up to where their class was at terrified him. He was at lunch, trying to get through the first page. The words mixed up and clashed in his mind. He shut the book in frustration.

"You good Cze?" Nora asked

"Fine. Books are stupid." Czeslaw replied, shoving a mozzarella stick into his mouth

"I can help you, y'know" she offered

"I'm fine" Czeslaw said, opening the book again

The noisy cafeteria clashed even harsher with the words on the page. Czeslaw shoved the book in his bag, running his hand through his hair. He sighed quietly.

"We need to make friends" Czeslaw joked

"Probably," Nora replied, "School was calmer. Was easier to make friends."

"Was easy for you to make friends" Czeslaw corrected

"Yeah. I guess" Nora said, "You're really nice, that's how you make friends"

"I mean, was nice enough for you to fall for me" Czeslaw noted

Nora laughed a bit at that. They decided to go look at the school bulletin board. When they made it they started looking for things.

"Maybe there's horse riding?" Nora asked

"We're in an American city, Nora" Czeslaw reminded

"A girl can hope" Nora replied, looking at the board, "The musical?"

Czeslaw replied by singing an unstable note with fake vocal strain. They laughed a bit.

"I get it, I get it" Nora said

They laughed and continued to look for something to join. Someone interrupted them.

"Hey, are you guys looking for something to join?" they asked

Czeslaw and Nora turned around. There was a person there. They were androgynous but slightly more male presenting. They had darker skin and pale purple lipstick on.

"Yeah, could you help us out?" Nora asked

"Sure, I'm Denver. My pronouns are xe/xem" They told us

"Sorry? We come from an extremely white school where it was kinda wrong to be lgbtq and I extremely apologize for our lack of knowledge." Nora said

"Oh, no problem. Those schools must suck yeah?" Denver asked

"Just a little" Nora said

"Right. So xe/xem pronouns are just another type of gender neutral pronoun. I'm trans, by the way" xe explained

"Oh okay" Nora replied

"I feel like I should write that down- I don't want to forget then not use the right pronouns then fuck up and like- y'know, ruin existence forever" Czeslaw said

"Cze, that's not gonna happen" Nora reassured

"Or so you say" Czeslaw replied

"You don't have to do that. You'll get the hang of it. I'll correct you if anything" Denver told him, Czeslaw nodded, "Right, so clubs, we have a club for lgbtq+ people and their allies, I'm one of the officials. So you guys can show up to the next meeting and we can get you into the google classroom, that alright?"

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