Chapter 31

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The day was growing long. Ia was finally being cross examined by Emilio's mom.

"Well, Liam-" she started

"Sorry, could you call me Ia instead?" Ia interrupted

"Oh, a nickname of course. Let me start again. Well, Ia, I think we all want to go home, so just tell us what happened okay?"

"Okay. We jumped Emilio"

Everyone in the room stared.

"You couldn't have confessed before we spent two days on this?!" the judge asked, Ia gave him a little smile, "Okay, they're guilty, he confessed, we're done, 6 months in juvie. What the heck even was this trial I-"

"Wait! Don't send them to jail!" Emilio shouted

"Of course. One last thing." the judge said

"Let me do the thing, what's it called," Emilio paused, "Sensitivity training with them! Sending them to jail isn't gonna change anything. Education, not jail."

The judge glanced at the jury, they spoke for a minute and agreed. When Emilio glanced at them, Ia was smiling.

It felt like everyone was winning. Of course, except for Emilio, because how the fuck would he explain this to Damien.


Damien wasn't feeling great. They were getting back a day early. He'd have to deal with Emilio a day early.

Damien went to the locker room bathroom to stall for time as everyone left. He told Emilio to stay back. When he left the room, there stood Emilio with Liam. The fucker. What was he doing here?

"Damien, hi-" Emilio started

"What's he doing here?" Damien asked, Liam cringed lightly

"She's here to explain what you saw and how that's not going anywhere. It's against my morals to explain myself." Emilio said

"Against your morals? She?" Damien asked incredulously

"You'll get it" he said

"So, Damien. Nothing's great between us." Liam started

"Then you kissed my boyfriend. I want you to understand that you should explain quickly. Before I punch you." Damien said, ignoring Emilio's panic

"I'm a trans girl. Emilio couldn't explain that to you since he would be outing me and we're not going anywhere because Emilio doesn't like girls. I'm the one who came onto him. Don't hold it against him." Liam explained

"Oh. Wow. Wasn't expecting that," Damien said, he turned to Emilio, "so you didn't...?"

"As I tried to explain, no" Emilio told him

"God I'm so dumb- I'm sorry" Damien said

Emilio laughed, Damien was happy he wasn't serious about how much of an asshole he was about it.

"Wait so, what should I call you?" Damien asked Liam

"I use she/her and Ia as my name, that may be subject to change though, still figuring it out." She told him

Damien nodded, "Got it"

"I'll give you guys a minute" she said, flashing a smile and walking out

Damien kissed Emilio.

"I'm so sorry, I must've freaked you out" Damien said, pushing his face into Emilio's neck

"It's okay." Emilio replied

"I feel like that's a lie" Damien told him

"I'm okay. Everything's okay now." Emilio said

"Did I make you cry?" Damien asked

Emilio stayed quiet. Damien pulled him closer, kissing his head, the soft curls of Emilio's hair pillowing him.

"I'm so fucking sorry"

"It's okay. I slept by a river. That was nice"

"You did what?"

"Long story"

They laughed quietly, holding each other close.

"I know you're going to be doing make up work or whatever, but can I come over later? Just to exist near you?" Damien asked

"It's gonna be intense studying" Emilio warned

"I'm okay with that" Damien replied

Emilio smiled and stood on his toes, kissing Damien. Damien obliged, kissing back. They suddenly realized how long they were taking when the coach walked in and saw them.

"Oh wow. Uh- right, just- Finish that up quick" he said

Damien and Emilio split up as soon as he spoke and were watching as he entered and left. After he did, they both broke down in laughter.

"Well. Guess I'm out to a teacher now" Damien said

"Guess so" Emilio replied

They kissed one more time, leaving the locker room to go to class.

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