Chapter 45

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"Also Damien- Certified freak seven days a week gotdamn XD" -Sir Editorious after reading this chapter

Damien woke up around 5:30, to Emilio's surprise. He knew because Damien called him.

"Shit, did I wake you?" Damien asked

"No, no. I woke up on my own." Emilio replied

"God, I feel so shit" Damien said

"Wish I could help you more." Emilio told him

"It's alright. I just wanted to say hi. I'm gonna get ready now. See you in school?" Damien asked

"Yeah" Emilio said, pausing a moment before continuing, "Are you doing anything tonight?"

"I'm gonna be busy helping Ivan with something." he said

"Alright, so I shouldn't come over?" Emilio said

"Unfortunately, no" Damien replied

"Okay" Emilio replied

They hung up and Emilio pulled up Ia's contact. Texting her.

'Tell Andrew I'll be at the party.'


If Emilio could tell one thing about parties just taking from Andrew's, they were loud. He was weaving his way through people to try to find literally anyone he knew. He was glancing around, beginning to lose hope when someone grabbed his arm. It was Jack.

"Hey, Emilio! You wanna go over to the kitchen with the others? It's quieter. Ia sent me to go find you." he said

Emilio nodded. Jack pulled him through the party and into the kitchen where the other 5 were.

"Found him" Jack said, sitting down next to Noah

"'Milio! Hey!" Ia greeted

"Hello" Emilio said, sitting down

They all had forms of alcohol in front of him. He knew he shouldn't be surprised. It was a party after all. Maybe part of him just wanted to believe otherwise. Emilio didn't comment on it. Andrew, however, did.

"You drink, Emilio?" he asked, grabbing a solo cup, pouring some whiskey into it, then holding it out to him

"Don't corrupt him with your nasty alcohol," Ia interjected, Emilio was beginning to notice she was partially intoxicated

"You're drinking it." Noah said

"Whose fault is that?" she asked, Adam and Noah both laughed

Emilio thought for a moment. He wasn't an alcohol guy. It wasn't his thing. Or, he assumed not anyway. He never had any. Emilio watched as Ia threatened Andrew with murder. But he grabbed the solo cup, downing the small amount he had put into it. It burned for a moment but subsided quickly, leaving a calm, numbing feeling in its wake. A few of the guys cheered him on. Ia looked at him in concern.

"You don't have to drink if you don't want to. You know that right?" Ia asked

"I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for me." Emilio replied

Ia nodded. Emilio wasn't sure completely what he was doing, but one thought ran through his head. If he had two weeks left, he'd make the best of them.


Emilio found himself a few hours later, barely processing anything around him. At least he thought it had been hours. Everything was fuzzy. The 7 of them were playing truth or dare now. Emilio couldn't recall how they got there.

"So, so, Adam" Emilio said, some of his words slurring slightly, "Truth or dare"

"Dare" Adam replied

"Just fucking kiss her already you dumbass. We've all fucking realized" Emilio said, throwing his hands up dramatically

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