Chapter 47

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I'm not late as fuck what are you talking about-

jk I'm sorry lol

This is a chapter that Piper actually mostly wrote lmfao-


As Alexandria was walking she was thinking about her friends.

Owen: Always the protector of the group, her second in command. He's the one that made sure that they remembered to eat, sleep, and take care of themselves. Could annoy the ever loving shit out of her but she loved him.

Milo: The noble therapist of the group. The only real royalty out of the lot. From a long line of rulers. An outcast based on the color of his skin and his generosity. He never expected anything in return and would always give to those in need. The rest of the royalty couldn't understand that. So screw them.

Cedar: The baby of the group literally, and mentally. He has age regression aka being a little. The group originally found him when he was in the stables crying after Vicky's group had had a 'talk' with him. Needless to say, Milo watched him while Alex and Owen went and had a 'talk' in return with them. After that he became a part of their trio. They kept him safe and as innocent as possible. They also made sure that him being a little was kept on a down low so that he didn't get bullied. He was around 9 mentally.

That was her group. Their own little quartet of those that trusted each other with their lives. Of course it wasn't always like that, she and Owen had been the first two and it had taken months to get to know each other since they were both very cautious with what they would reveal to each other. Then Milo came to the school and got outcasted because of how he was. They'd become friends over the span of two weeks after both of them had realized that he was a genuinely good guy. After a few months had gone by, Cedar had transferred in. They had immediately became friends with him the day they found him crying in the stables with his horse Luna after Vicky and her group had 'talked' with him. That was the first time she had fought VIcky. She got detention for a month but it was worth it. They'd found out a couple of weeks later about Cedar's age regression. She wouldn't change her group for the world.


Alexandria was walking through the forest with the rest of the group. Owen was by her side, in front of them was Milo and Cedar, Milo holding his hand. It was mostly quiet. Owen was holding a basket. They were gonna have a picnic together. They walked to a clearing together, sitting down.

"Can we have food now?" Cedar asked

"Sure," Owen replied

Alexandria laid out the blanket and they all sat on it. Milo put the food out for them. Cedar and Owen began to eat. Milo, claiming he wasn't hungry, just took a sip of some water. Alexandria didn't eat either.

"You guys need to eat" Owen said

"I ate not too long ago, I promise" Milo replied

"I don't need to eat" Alexandria said

"Yes, you do" Owen replied

"Says who?" Alexandria asks

"Says me" Owen said, shoving a sandwich in her mouth

Alexandria rolled her eyes, but began to eat. Owen smiled, knowing he won. Milo laughed at them quietly.

"Oh, bloody hell, shut up!" Alexandria said, elbowing Milo

That just made him laugh more. Alexandria rolled her eyes, taking another bite of sandwich.

"Can I have a cookie?" Cedar asked, eyeing the basket

"Not yet, you have to finish your food first" Owen told him

"But cookieeeee-" he whined

"Cede. Food first, then cookie." Owen said

Cedar pouted slightly, and Milo chuckled, giving him a side hug. Cedar gave in, returning the hug. Alexandria smiled slightly at the two.

"So, you ever talk to that prince again?" Owen asked

"No, not yet. I should get to that soon." Alexandria said

She hadn't fought Vicky for the prince. It was the principle of it. You don't out someone, no matter what. After hearing what Ia's group had did, she almost went for them too, but watching the noble forgive was a weird thing. She would never. That's not something you do, no matter what. But he claimed they were confused. Ia wasn't herself, neither was Adam. It all seemed like talk. Nothing sounded like the truth in words. But if you watched Emilio when he explained, you couldn't deny he wasn't lying. It was always a little weird to Alexandria as well, that some people seemed truthful while others not.

"Alex, you're bouncing again." Milo said

She shook out of it, glancing around at the four.

"Oh. Sorry." she said

"Not a problem. Are you okay?" Milo asked

"Yeah. Just... confused I guess." Alexandria replied, "It's weird isn't it? That prince. He seems off. He was always so loud, but he's different now. But he seems at least sort of sincere."

"People change" Owen said

"Who knows?" Alexandria said

"You're very analytical about him. Out of nowhere too." Milo pointed out, taking a bite of his sandwich

"Does someone have a crush on a prince?" Owen asked

"I will stab you." Alexandria said

Owen laughed out at that, Milo shook his head, smiling. Cedar glanced at the three, trying to find what was amusing about that. Alexandria smiled and patted him.

"Cookies?" Owen asked, taking them out

Cedar was extremely happy. 

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