Chapter 9

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Caidence was making food for Arthur and Neil. The two were currently having a typing speed race. Caidence suggested it so they would quiet down a bit, and it worked. He glanced toward the family photo they had on the kitchen wall. In that photo, Amy was still there, along with their father. Their father was gone due to a drunk driving accident. Amy due to a manipulator, but Caidence supposed he himself was also to blame.

Their mother had died before. Complications in the hospital after Arthur and Neil's birth caused her death. She didn't plan to have the two, but it happened. Everyone was so happy until then.

We never blamed the boys, it was not their fault. He glanced up to see the 19-year-olds. Neil was laughing and gloating, he had presumably won. Arthur was stronger and better at physical activities while Neil was better at academics. They both came into the kitchen, Neil gloating, Arthur making up excuses.

"You only won because I was going easy on you!" Arthur exclaimed

"Whatever you need to tell yourself" Neil replied

"Calm down, both of you, time to eat" Caidence announced

The two noded and set the table how they always do. Caidence put the food in the middle. They needed food that wasn't microwave dinners and he finally had time to make some. They ate in silence as it normally was, but Arthur started a conversation, one no one truly wanted, but the twins needed.

"So, Caid" Arthur said "We're working on this school project, we have to talk about a family member we're close with. Who isn't our legal guardian and who we don't talk with often."

"What class?" Caidence asked

"Psychology and sociology, I'm forcing Arthur to help" Neil said

"We were wondering" Arthur glanced between them "If we could reach out to Amy"

Caidence stopped

"Look. I'm not sure if the Amy you remember, or probably think you remember, is the same now" he said

"Caid, please, we can't use anyone else! The rest of our family doesn't want anything to do with us! But Amy doesn't care! Please!" Neil exclaimed

Caidence was surprised by the exclamation. He hadn't expected that. Yet he was right.

He couldn't say no to them.

"Okay." Caidence began slowly "We can try to reach out"

"Oh thank god!" Arthur exclaimed in relief, slouching back in his chair

Neil sighed and smacked his head on the table. Caidence laughed at their expressions.

"I'll try to get on the phone with her tonight" Caidence replied

"Thanks Caid" Neil replied

"No problem"


Amy was speaking to Carla, Lukas and Emilio. They were on a facetime call.

"We were going so fast! Right 'Mili??" Carla said

"Mhm, that's right, Carly"

"It was so fun, mom!" Carly told her

Amy smiled, "I bet it was, at some point I'll go riding with you three, though I'm sure Lukas and Emilio both have much more practice than me. I've only ever rode with your father"

"I can ride with you!" Carly exclaimed

"You can't ride on your own yet, Carly" Lukas interjected "one of us will ride with mom and the other with you if it happens, right 'Mili? Emilio?"

Emilio, who was staring into space, got brought back into reality at his name "Huh? Oh, riding, yeah, totally"

Lukas gave him a look of concern, Carly one of confusion.

"Well," Carla began, "I'm riding with Lukas when that happens. Mom, you can ride with 'Mili!"

"Alright, hun, I will" Amy said "Emilio, can we talk alone really quick?"

"Sure, I guess"

Emilio picked up the phone, walking out to another room.

"Are you alright, sweetie? You're really distracted today" Amy started

"I'm fine, just tired" he replied

He was obviously nervous. Something happened, or is happening.

"Are people picking on you again?" she asked

Emilio stayed quiet for a moment but he looked relieved. Amy gave him a scapegoat. It's something else.

"Yeah. I'm avoiding them all I can. Guess I'm overstressing again" Emilio said

"Okay." she said "I'll see what I can do"

"You don't have to do that" he said quickly "I'm fine, really"

"Okay" Amy replied "Just know you can tell me anything, alright?"


"Now head back, I want to say bye to all three of you"

Emilio headed back and they said bye to her. Amy cared about them so much. She knew Henry wasn't always the best father figure, but he was working on it, she knew it.

Amy stood, stretching, it'd be dinner soon and she should get ready. But as she was about to go her phone rang again. She picked up the phone to look at the name.


She stood still. Her brother was angry with her. He blamed their parents as well. Of course he did. It was the only reason he thought that she would want to go against her loyalty. She never got to tell him that she's in recovery from bipolar disorder. She never got to tell him she probably got it from their mother.

She picked up the phone call.


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