Chapter 37

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Sorry for the late upload! Last day and graduation were yesterday so I never got a chance to hop on. Since it's summer, I'll probably be uploading for the both of us.

Enjoy the chapter

Czeslaw was an exchange student with no drivers license. He knew he should not be driving at his current speed, but the laws didn't matter if Nora was hurt. He pulled into the school parking lot, parking the rental car and shoving the keys into his pocket as he ran out of the car and into the school.

They didn't need to be here for another 15 minutes. Of course he didn't go with Nora when she said she was gonna go early and invited him. Of course not.

He spotted River and went over quickly.

"Where is she?" Czeslaw asked

"In the boys bathroom with Will and John" River said, continuing when Czeslaw gave him a look, "It was the only place where no one was crowding."

They went to the bathroom quickly. Czeslaw bent down to Nora. She was still out, propped up onto the wall, her eyes shut. In a grim way, she almost looked peaceful. Czeslaw doubted she was.

God, princess. Please be okay.

Czeslaw took any vitals he could, they all looked okay, though her breathing was uneven. It frightened him a bit. Once Czeslaw was sure she was alright, he pulled her close. If he could just protect her from everything that could hurt her, anything that could make her cry, he would. He'd ward off any bad thought, word, person, anything. Just to see her smile.

He wanted to see her smile so bad.

"So, could you explain what happened a bit better?" Czeslaw asked

Will seemed preoccupied, speaking with someone. Who? Czeslaw wasn't sure. Will didn't have headphones in or a phone in hand, no one else was around, but he was staring up at the wall as he whispered to them. John explained.

"We were talking about skateboarding, Nora zoned out a bit and River started speaking about American manufacturing of the skateboard. Went back in time about American manufacturing. How the guy who made the factory stole ideas from the British. Argument about which is better, Britain or America. Will yelled 'fuck the monarchy'. All that happened. Here we are." John testified

"Hm." was all Czeslaw replied

"Do you know what caused it?" John asked

"Yes" Czeslaw replied simply

"...Can you explain?" John continued

"Nora will explain if she wants to explain." Czeslaw replied

They stayed quiet, River peaked in.

"Everything good in here? These guys want to go to the bathroom" they said

Nora's eyes fluttered open, she sat up a bit in confusion.

"We'll be out in a bit" Czeslaw replied

"Cze? Where are we?" Nora asked

"Do you know your name?" Czeslaw asked

"Nora Koppel." Nora said

"What're their names?" Czeslaw asked, gesturing to Will and John

"That's John and Will? Cze why are we in the guys bathroom? What's with the questions?" Nora asked

"Making sure you don't have a concussion. We can go." Czeslaw stood, pulling Nora up too, keeping her steady

John and Will followed suit, Will now back with them. They left the bathroom quietly, River joining them. Nora had a headache, so they walked quietly through the school.

"Can we go home Cze? I know we shouldn't miss and I can't just miss classes anymore because..." Nora paused, glancing at the 2 boys and 1 nonbinary around them before continuing, "Because. But please? Just this time?"

"Yeah, we can go" Czeslaw replied

"Thank you" Nora replied, "Sorry for the scare, you three"

"It's no problem, just glad you're okay" River said, John nodded, and Will sheepishly did too

"We'll see you guys tomorrow" Czeslaw said

Will went and gave a quick hug to Nora, whispering an apology before going back, and off the two went to the car. Czeslaw helped Nora in and she buckled her seat belt. Czeslaw went in himself and did the same.

Nora spoke as he started driving, "Hey, Cze?"

"Yeah?" Czeslaw asked

"Thanks for coming. You didn't have to do that anymore and you still did." Nora said

"Anything for you, princess," Czeslaw replied, "Anything."


"Reading can go drive itself into a fucking ditch." Czeslaw said, slamming his book shut

Nora was monitoring slightly. It took him about an hour and a half to finish the first chapter.

"It's not that bad" Nora replied

"Words are hard" Czeslaw said, burying his face in his arms

Nora smiled, pulling his head up and kissing him.

"Incentives, I'm listening" Czeslaw said

"You get a kiss for every chapter you read" Nora said

"That's a rip off, I should get one for every page" Czeslaw joked

"Hmm, tempting offer" Nora replied

Czeslaw chuckled, but frowned, "No, but seriously. I'm stupid, I'm not gonna get through the book."

"You're not stupid, it's just how your brain works" Nora replied

"How's that any different?" Czeslaw asked

"If you listened to an audio book instead, you'd do great." Nora said, "That's it- I'll read it to you! I'll be your audio book"

"You don't have to do that, princess" Czeslaw replied

"I know" Nora said, taking the book, "I'll read you the first few pages, you tell me if you understand it better."

They used that system for a bit. They ended up finishing the first chapter in just 15 minutes instead. Nora glanced up to Czeslaw for confirmation. He nodded, smiling.

"I understand. The words aren't so weird, the sentences aren't disconnected. I like that" Czeslaw said

"Perfect. We'll do it like this then!" Nora said

"Alright" Czeslaw replied


They did, and got through the chapters quickly. Czeslaw was smiling wide. Afterwards, they were making lunch, Czeslaw was talking about it.

"I've never found a system that works, that's why I didn't come here in the first place. Nothing ever made sense, and I hated my brain for it for so long, I've walked out on so many classes. You've cured me"

Czeslaw hugged Nora, she chuckled to him. "I didn't cure you, I just helped you."

"Feels like it" Czeslaw replied

"I'm flattered" Nora said

"Good" Czeslaw replied

"Cze?" Nora asked

"Yeah, princess?" Czeslaw asked back

"I'm really happy you came here with me. I love you." Nora said

"I love you too, Nora" he replied

That's how they lived. Happy in their place. Any expectations were let go of, Nora finally felt free.

Like the wind.

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