Chapter 36

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Nora was walking through the halls, talking to Will and River.

"You need to teach me how to skateboard" Nora told the two

"Do you have balance?" River asked

"Yes" Nora replied

"Then you'll be fine" Will said, putting his skateboard on the ground

Will jumped and flipped, giving the two a peace sign

"Will, watch out for-" River attempted to warn

Will crashed right into a wall. River and Nora went for his aid, a few people chuckled. Will just cracked a quick smile as he was hoisted to his feet.

"Don't take that as an example of my teaching. I'm actually pretty good, River and John can attest to that" He exclaimed, "And here's a list of things I suggest that you get if you want to take this seriously"

Skateboard (obvi)

Fingerless gloves

Knee pads

Elbow pads

General balance

A tolerance for pain

Naked ambition

"Very thorough list," Nora chucked, "Do you know what store I should go to to buy some naked ambition, a tolerance for pain and general balance?"

"Hmmm, good question, maybe go to the dolla-" Will started but got caught off as he was slapped upside the head by John, "What's that for?!"

"You know damn well why smart ass, I apologize for him Nora," John says

Nora just chuckles as she watched while Will crossed his arms and pouted. Why was it that this couldn't be like how it was back home? How come it had to be so oppressive and non inclusive. At least Czeslaw and Nora got out and had each other.

"-ah FUCK THE MONACHRY!" Will yelled

"I- what?" She stuttered out a million thoughts going through her head as she started to panic a bit. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Like all the air from the world around disappeared, gasping for air didn't help. Did they find out? How did they find out? Would they call Fredrik? Were they going to make her go back to that cage that- that prison of a life? How? How would they find out? She and Czeslaw had kept everything secret. Only taking the money Nora had in her dorm and the max withdrawal amount Czeslaw had in his savings. Her cheeks felt wet and the world began to become dizzy. It all went black.


Czeslaw was struggling with reading the chapters he was assigned to read in English to catch up, his phone started to ring. He closes his book he looked at the caller ID to see that it was John

"Hello?" Czeslaw asked, "What's up?"

"Hi Czeslaw, I want to start off with saying that everyone is okay," John said calmly

"Why are you saying that? What's wrong? What happened" Czeslaw asked, standing quickly

"Hey, hey," John soothed, "Nora is okay; she just had a panic attack and fainted. We have her with us she's okay we made some stupid joke and she started freaking out. Do you want us to call an ambulance for her or just bring her straight to you? She did hit her head on the way down though since none of us could get to her first."

"I um- I don't know uhh- sorry I-" Czeslaw said, grappling for words to say

He suddenly realized that he should just handle this like he would any medical emergency in the stables. Get there, assess the situation, then handle it from there.

"Keep her with you while I get there, don't call an ambulance yet. If she wakes up, keep her still and conscious. She might have a concussion. Where are you exactly?" Czeslaw asked

"We're at the school, Nora got here early with us"

"Okay 'll be there in 5 minutes."

"It takes 10...?" John told him confusedly

"Not with me driving it doesn't," Czeslaw said, his voice cold, "Especially when Nora is involved."

As he grabbed his keys he shrugged on his jacket, just another stable emergency. Right.

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