Chapter 3: Gojo Satoru

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Gojo Satoru is from the Gojo clan of course.  Gojo is the only user of the six eyes of this current generation.  Which apparently it had been YEARS since the last user was born.

Gojo, growing up was treated like some God, that no one should touch.  That they couldn't make eye contact with.  And I think that's what led to his kind of "arrogant" behavior when he was younger.

He considered everyone as weak, and the only one he considered as his "equal" was his friend Suguru Geto.  Geto was strong as well, which is the reason Gojo considered him as his equal and best friend.  Shoko was his friends as well.  The three of them could be called as thick as thieves.

Gojo was thrown for a loop and treated as some rag doll when he was a teenager and ended up fighting against Toji, when he was in high school while on a mission.  Toji harmed him severely, leaving him almost dead.  But at that moment Gojo was able to heal himself by figuring out the reverse technique that Shoko can use.

Gojo heals and continues the fight with Tojo.

And that's as much as I'll say on that topic for now.


I believe that Gojo has never and probably will never, for now, get romantically and emotionally attached to anyone.  For example, he was already planning to murder all of the higher ups when Yuuji died during the cursed womb part.

He had grown fond of Yuuji and having him killed made Gojo kind of want to lose it.  He was mad at the fact that they used such underhanded method to try and kill Yuuji, and that they didn't care if the others had gotten killed or hurt during that.  And also, the fact that Yuuji was young, and still a lot of ahead of him to live, especially with an undetermined amount of time he had left.

Anyways, in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 when Yuta is talking to Gojo about how he (Yuta) thinks he cursed Rika, and not that Rika cursed him.

Gojo tells him, "I've always believed love manifests the most distorted curses."

Which can have many meanings in which way you interpret it.

Though I believe it means that when you get emotionally/romantically attached to someone, as in a lover or maybe even a family member.  Your feelings and emotions are heavily swayed by them.

Let's take Gojo as an example.  Gojo is the strongest sorcerer being that he has the six eyes and has an immense amount of cursed energy.  What would happen if he went out of control?  Many things would be destroyed, and even maybe like Yuta, end up cursing someone.

So, Gojo can't afford getting into a relationship without taking that risk of potentially losing control of his emotions.  The only way I can actually see him in a "relationship" is an arranged one for the sake of his family with no feelings attached.

When someone you care about or love gets hurt or dies, you feel sad and sometimes lose some sense of yourself and your emotions are all over the place.  You know the whole five stages of grief.  Now, imagine that unstableness on Gojo.

And I can pretty much imagine how close he will be to lose it a bit after the Shibuya incident ends and Gojo learns of everything that has happened.

And another part of Gojo that is mentioned in the manga, in volume 1 of JJK in the character introductions.  In page 130 in the manga it says, "He can do anything he tries, so he tries not to get too involved with anything.  According to him, this all for the sake of the next generation."

There are two meanings I can think of from that.

1. He can't afford to get involved emotionally with anyone so as to not lose control of himself.

2. He tries not to get involved for the sake of his students so they can grow stronger without depending on him.

And it also mentioned that he ate sweets as a way to stimulate his brain.  So, 1. To concentrate when training. or 2. His way of "taking a smoke break" to relax and keep his mind clear of anything that could potentially cause a disturbance.

But eventually that caused him to have a massive, sweet tooth and eat a whole bunch of sweets for the heck of it*.  So, now it's just about him eating sweets for his own liking.  And the only thing he'll have to worry about is of cavities.


*That part was also mentioned in the introduction of Gojo in the manga.

So far I think Yuuji's and Gojo's theories are interesting.  Though Yuuji's takes the prize for most interesting and shocking, at least for me.

What do you all think about this?

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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