S1: Bitter sweet part 2

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Sorry for late update guys..been busy as i was working on a fan fiction that i will soon update..as its a totaly different from these stories so it will be a different story book with name..LOVE KNOWS NO BOUND.

Aryan was driving his black convertible Mercedes when he thought of calling Imlie, he knew that she must be very angry as she's been waiting for him in coffee shop and he got stuck in office due to some commitments.

"Such a fool you are Aryan Singh Rathore!
How could you even forget about today's coffee date and give commitment to someone...thank god the meeting didn't lasted long enough..but still yaarr (he exclaimed with annoyance)..if you would have remembered, till now you must have been enjoying coffee with you wife..but see here you are! all alone in your Mrs. lambi gaadi (as imlie calls his car).
first you are already late and now this traffic..shit shit shit..think Aryan..think." He was literally forcing his mind to come up with an idea to sweet talk his wife.

Its been three months since their wedding took place. And now both of them had started feeling for each other, it was something more than just being good friends and both of them were well aware of these change of emotions in their hearts.

Aryan was initially a bit reluctant but during their holi trip to Barsana, something has clicked him, what was it,even he wasn't aware off, but something had clicked right into him that finally his mind and heart made peace with each other and he graciously accepted his feelings for Imlie and asked for blessings from god. (In reference to chapter destined love)

For Imlie the case was no different ..initially she was also at denial mode..it was the time when she slapped Aditya in front of Tripathis for speaking ill about Aryan,right after returning from Barsana. (In refrence to 2 chapters of  the bond of trust)

So just to give their relationship a good start, in an romantic way, they had decided to start with dating each other.
They knew..clearly knew what they have been feeling from past one month but non of them had actually confessed yet..though their actions and care for each other displayed it so evidently that even a child could have figure it out..so Narmada maa and Arpita dii along with Meethi maa were no exceptions,it didn't went unseen from their eyes, but none of them bothered to intervene in this slow burn romance of their beloved kids..

So after all the brainstorming Aryan got an idea, so he finally called Imlie who, while waiting for her husband,was in a dreamland of her own. So when she picked up the call she simply answered with a "bolo", Aryan knew this was a dead end, he needs to be flattering enough to at least clam her anger down.
So he replied, "So finally after completing all official work, Aryan Singh Rathore is now at your service Queen,well i know wifey i have already made you wait enough but I promise you won't regret waiting even a bit. (He said in his seductive voice) I'll make sure its the best date my wife have ever experienced. I promise.will be there in 5 min." With that he disconnected the call, knowing that for now this was enough to make his wife smile.

As promised he reached there in record time and went to the table were Imlie was seated.
He swear she had never looked this gorgeous to him before..although she was just wearing a plain mehroon silk saree with her hair let loose..she was an absolute visual. He could feel his heart as if beating in his mouth, Aryan Singh Rathore was nervous!!

As he reached the table from behind he closed her eyes from behind with his hands and coming closer to her and whispering in her ear, a shiver ran through Imlie's spine as she was seated intact on her chair not even showing slightest of movement, she wasn't shocked when he covered her eyes as she was familiar with his touch and his scent. A smile escaped her lips when she heard Aryan whisper in his baritone, "Did I bothered you a lot wifey?"

Whenever he uses this wifey word Imlie feels butterflies in her stomach and she blushes involuntarily.

With her smile resistant to shrink she responded with a nod.. in order to say yes.
Aryan shifted his hands down from her eyes to her collar bone are to form a back hug while she was still sitting and putting his head on her left shoulder, "so tell me how should I compensate?" Asked Aryan.
Imlie clutched his hands with her own and answered, "I guess an honest confession will do." With her smill still intact..god she loved that guy like crazy.. she thought.
"Hmm, so for that you have to come with me" replied Aryan getting distant from her and offering her his hand. She took it and was ready to go, she could go anywhere with that guy with eyes closed without even questioning...she trusted him that much.

As the couple headed towards their car, obviously after paying off the bill, Aryan opened the car door for her to enter, and when he made sure that she was sitting comfortably he moved to his side and stated the car.
While driving he asked Imlie to give something to him that was kept inside the dashboard of the car. Imlie innocently followed and opened it only to witness it being filled with so many different chocolates ..all her favourite and a rose bud. She couldn't help but smile as wide as possible with a flushed face.. she had never felt this way expressing love and she felt really special.

Suddenly cars breaks were applied and Aryan removed his seat belt and turned towards Imlie and took her hand in his. For the first time Imlie has witnessed this look in her husband's eyes..the were as soft as cotton, as deep as sea, the eyes in which she wanted to get drowned into. He finally spoke, " Imlie, You are not just a friend to me anymore, Imlie I just can't take it now..I'm hating this feeling of being married and acting like we are happy with each other.(this initially shocked Imlie but she relaxed after listening what he said next) Imlie I want all this to be real, not just a show in front of family, I want to be happy with you, I have started loving you in real baby, I want to hold you as close as possible with never ever wanting to leave you." One of his hand shifted from Imlie's hand to cup her cheeks and he continued with moist eyes, "The Aryan Singh Rathore, who never looses his control now wants to give his control to you, the one who never listen now just want to hear your voice..ordering me around like boss lady, the one who stands like a wall ...(he took a deep breath) ..and now Imlie here I am sitting in front of you blurting out all my emotions like a river flowing in front of you right now..Imlie I have never shared any of my pain with anyone after jiju's death..I created a wall around me..but you just broke it yaar..you are the only one i feel like I share anything that happens in my life..I NEED YOU IMLIE..I WANT MY LOVE TO BE WITH ME FOREVER."

With this confession their was no barrier that could stop Imlie's emotions flowing down from her eyes and she hugged him..though Aryan also reciprocated it..but she hugged him so tight as if its last chance for her to do it..she blurted in his ears, "I LOVE YOU TOO ARYAN ... Akkadbagge you have given my life a new meaning today..thank you ..thank you for choosing me, loving me whole heartedly."

And with this Aryan hugger her more tightly pulling her into his warmth and they stayed like that for seconds or for minutes, they didn't knew for how long they had hugged each other. When they broke Aryan pulled Imlie into his lap with her back resting on car's door, Imlie wrapped her left arm around his neck while her right hand rested on his chest, this hand was covered by Aryan's left hand gripping it but softly, and his other hand was around her waist holding her closer to him.

This proximity of theirs did things to both of them Imlie freed and shifted her right hand towards his face to caress his bearded jawline and in heat of the moment they kissed..the bit, sucked and tasted each other..they could feel the passion that they had for each other.
When the broke the kiss they giggled..they wanted it..they needed it..and they loved it. Imlie rested her head on his shoulder placing it in such a way that her nose touched his neck under his jawline ..filling her body with his scent, and he tilted his head a bit to rest it on the top of her head ..his arms held her in a closed hug..and they were in their happy place.

Both of them sat like that melting in each other's warmth and ended up cuddling for some time in that position only. Cherishing the emotions that they have just felt and shared.
While driving back home in the evening Aryan had opened the roof of his convertible as weather was okay and cool evening breeze calmed them..Imlie asked Aryan whether she could stand or not ..as she didn't knew if it was allowed or not and with his permission she stood up and let her dupatta flow with the air..Aryan watched and smiled at her antics..their happiness was beyond bounds today and it was clearly evident in their eyes.

Finally they are in this marriage now, in true sense now..as the most important thing in any marriage is LOVE..and now it was in their corner...

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