Os: Her will..

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WTH😟😟😟 I wrote it yesterday only..if you have seen the episode then you must be knowing wht I'm talking about😳

Ohh God!..thought Imlie. This was it! This was what she and her husband had been planning for since long time.

Imlie was married to Aryan for around 6 years now, she was already 26, and was much more mature and stable then she was during her marriage..she was now physically and mentally stronger, professionally successful..and all she wanted was a new start..a new start towards the journey of becoming a mother.

And for this thing She was as sure as she knew that she had loves her husband the most...Her Husband, the forever and the most understanding human in this world. He had always stood by her, has always prioritised the needs and well-being of Imlie..keeping aside his feelings and emotions.

When they have got married it was Aryan who had fallen in love with her first but he always restrained himself as Imlie was just 20 at that time and he wanted her to focus on her studies and career instead of indulging in these things.
The time when he actually started accepting his love was only when Imlie had confessed...he was this level concerned for her.
For around 2 months of fighting with himself he finally came clean in front of her and accepted that he was sexually attracted to her and wanted to step ahead in their relationship..
This confession from his side came as a good news for Imlie as being an amateur always wanted Aryan to take step first and lead her and help her out in discovering her sexual desires..
She was right in thinking this way though, as Aryan made her aware of her desires, her cravings..he helped her in discovering this new world of pleasure and pain.

Truly she couldn't get a better partner than Aryan in her life. He helped her in standing on her own feet. And about Imlie's desire of becoming a mother and that also at age of 26, he supported her snd they planned it all well.
Aryan was actually very excited with the slightest of thought of becoming a dad..he assured her that even he wanted it as much as she did...they were in this together.

And now today all their planning finally came to an end. She had her pregnancy test results in her hands. And THIS WAS IT! She was pregnant..She was finally pregnant. Her happiness knows No bounds.
It was 10 pm at night and Aryan was in his study and was about to come to their room within 5-10 minutes. So this was the least time that she had in preparing herself to break this news to him..

Hell yeahh she was excited!! She wanted to dance! She wanted to cry but at the most she wanted to hug her husband and tell him this news..

Imlie was dealing with this excitement and was trying to get hold of herself..when Aryan entered the room.
He looked at his wife who had an expression of thief being caught red handed on her face. He smirked and asked, "What happened?"

He was not at all shocked looking at Imlie panting trying to catch up her breath as he had already seen her dancing which was not so rare sight. But with the glow of her eyes he could tell that she was not normal. She wasn't upset at all..but happy..yes! She was really very happy about something that he was curious about.

"Woh Aryan I wanted to tell you something." She said in a low voice and came closer to him and placed her hands on his chest.

"Ohk go onn." He replied

"Woh Aryan." She hesitated and fisted his T-shirt and closed her eyes.

"What is it Imlie? I'm not able to think of anything that you should be hesitant about while talking to me. Say it out what is it?" He calmly replied while he placed his hands on her waist.

He slowly moved one of his hand towards her chin and lifted her face upwards, making her face him. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the concern with which her husband was looking at her.. she finally got her strength back..

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