Trip to Pagdandiya part 13

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"Not Again!" Exclaimed Imlie in top of her voice.

" Seriously I have never seen a person as irresponsible as Mr. Tripathi." Said Aryan with fury in his voice. Without caring about his surroundings where Aparna was seated. "How can he leave like that? Another act?" Aryan continued.

"Whatever it is we can't leave Aditya babu alone in this stormy night." Said Meethi..It is truly said..No one can understand a Mother's heart..even after knowing what Aditya had done to Imlie, Meethi couldn't see him in trouble..she was feeling sympathetic towards Aparna..she could feel the cry of that mother whose son has left the house in fury and that also in a stormy night like today.

"I think Meethi is right. All of you stay with in the house I will go and search for Aditya babu, will also ask 2 of my men to come along with me." Satyakaam told everyone.

But before he could head out Aryan stopped him, "You are not going alone Dadda. I'm coming with you."

"No Aryan babu It can be dangerous." Satyakaam tried to change his decision.

"I'm sorry Dadda but I can't take your word today. Either we will go together or none of us will leave the house." Aryan strictly told Satyakaam.. he could not let Dadda take this risk alone at any cost.

"Even I will go with you" imlie said.

"No!"~ Satyakaam
"No chance imlie"~ Aryan
Both of them said unanimously..

Imlie agreed in front of them, which definitely didn't go well with Arpita as she was having a feeling that Imlie was upto no good. Everyone asked the men  to take care of themselves and Aryan and Satyakaam left the house.

Imlie was feeling restless, it was almost half an hour since Aryan and Satyakaam had left and still there was no news of Any three of them.
She couldn't take it anymore so she decided to take matter into her own hands..

She knew that again she's doing a mistake as she was not going to inform anyone about her plan to go out and search for those three.
Hence, she started perfectly executing her plan with first step of telling everyone that she's going to her room to rest and locked it from inside.

And the moment she was about to go out from her room's window (as her room was on ground floor so it was not difficult to leave from there)..there was a knock on her door.., "Imlie it's me. Open the door." Said Arpita di.

Imlie with in a blink of an eye closed the window and laid her blanket as if she was sleeping on bed..and then went to open the door. "Di, you need anything?" Sje asked.

"Yes! Truth." Arpita replied.

"Truth? What truth?" Imlie tried her best to hide her lie but she knew that she was caught.

"Imlie I know you are not one of those who sit idle, specially when your family members are in trouble..tell me what's going in your head? I know you are upto something." Arpita asked sternly and Imlie didn't dare to lie in front of her now.

"Woh di..please let me go naa..I can't sit and watch. Please don't tell anyone. Pleased let me go." Imlie tried  her level best to persuade her.

"I knew trouble are not going anywhere, its dangerous. I can't let you go out like this." Said Arpita.

And after about 2-3 minutes of persuasion Imlie finally  succeeded and won over Arpita but on one condition that she will keep her phone with her and will pick it up at first ring whenever Arpita calls..otherwise her next call will be for Aryan.

Imlie finally got success in going out of the house leaving Worried Arpita behind who murmured prayer for everyone's safety.

The rain was getting worse with loud thunder of lightning, that was shaking both hell and heaven. It was becoming more and more difficult to walk because of the strong winds blowing in opposite direction.. so Imlie thought of some other option and head towards Dadda's field where there tractor was parked. She knew that Dadda always kept it's keys on the mat below the driver's seat. So she took the keys and with a silent prayer to Sita Maiya she started it..

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