✔Chapter 3 // Check up

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Leah hadn't imagined a shower meant a manual pump that pressured water to pour down from a showerhead. The water was tepid, but she found that she didn't mind. The weather was so warm and damp, cold water would actually feel nice. That was the littlest bit of commodity she had had since she could remember... Although she could only remember the past day anyway.

She washed her hair with soap that smelled like flowers. It was an intense smell that she had never felt before. The liquid was yellow like honey and she made a mental note to remember it.

Once clean, the clothes she changed into were weirdly similar to the ones she was previously wearing. She felt awkward not wearing a bra anymore, but it was all sweaty and it glued to her skin anyway. She couldn't imagine anyone would care, and neither should she.

She took her dirty clothes with her and walked back into their room, noticing on the way that Namjoon's door was still closed. She again shut the door behind her and pursed her lips at finding Jungkook in the same position as before. He raised his head from his hands with the sound, but lost his eagerness when he saw her.

"Sorry to disappoint." It came out of her before she could think. He frowned and took a deep breath.

"Sorry", he whispered, looking back at the floor. Inwards.

She swallowed dryly and cursed in her mind. They were tired and on edge. And she didn't mean it.

"No, I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to say. Any news?"

He shook his head, but didn't revert back to the position he was before she came in with his face in his hands, hiding. She placed her clothes against the wall in a corner, not really seeing anywhere else to put them but the chair he was using, and neared him. He didn't move back or avoid her this time as she kneeled back into the position from before, and it was like his hands were waiting to be held by hers.

She noticed the circles around his eyes, his paleness. He looked exhausted. It was easy to forget he had escaped that place, same as her, and on top of that carried Namjoon for hours on his back with no food or rest.

Before she could speak, a knock sounded. They both got up instantly as the door opened. Ella showed with a smile on her face.

"He's a very strong fella. The bullet barely made a scratch. It's out and I sewed him up. He's on fluids now, I think his fever will go down in a few hours."

Leah smiled brightly, extremely happy with that outcome. She honestly couldn't have imagined it a couple hours prior. She glanced at Jungkook, who just stood in awe.

"Can we see him?" Leah asked in his stead, knowing that's what Jungkook wanted.

"Only for a moment, he's sleeping. And I need to check up on you too." She gave them a meaningful look and they both gulped. "I'll start with you, since you already showered. Come to the reception, we don't have any more rooms."

Ella didn't wait for Leah to follow and just left. Leah turned to Jungkook who was still processing the information. Namjoon was going to be alright, there was no reason to panic. The world wasn't going to end as he feared—

"I'm pretty sure you can take a peek while she examines me," Leah encouraged.

She then followed Ella back to the reception and sat across from her. Ella looked over Leah's shoulder and saw Jungkook crossing the hall to Namjoon's room, but she didn't mention it.

"Good job handling the situation until he made it here. Do you have medical training?"

Leah's mouth felt dry. "I don't think so."

Ella frowned but nodded, "Okay."

"I could say the same about you. Good job extracting a bullet and treating the wound in what? Fifteen minutes? Thirty?"

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