Chapter 4

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“Switch the lights off.” I groaned shielding my eyes with a pillow.

“Get up Luc, it’s 5:30am. We're going to be late if you girls continue to sleep.” Linda said automatically rolling her eyes. “Ali, Lia wakey wakey.”

“Morning, please let me sleep some more, we slept around 1am. How can you be wide awake?" Lia said half asleep.

“No can do sis, we are going to be late. Now flee to your rooms and be down in an hour for breakfast.” Linda began. “And, we will be using the SUV since it is the first day of school, our last year as high school students.”

The driver drove out of the garage in a Rolls Riyce Cullinan while I am connecting to the Bluetooth.

(Katy Perry- Teenage Dream)

“Ardalia? What will be your reply to Andrés?” I asked dropping my phone.

“Not sure yet.” She replied.

“Be careful hun, he is a player. I don't want you getting hurt.” Linda protective mode kicking off. “I won't think twice hitting him just because he is my boyfriend’s best friend.”

“You still have time to think before Saturday.” Ali added.

“Thanks and about the play boy thing, there is a story behind it.” She let out with a sigh.

“When he turned sixteen his parents threw a grand party back in his country. To him things went well, he was happy and felt loved. The following day they ate out for breakfast with his supposed to be in-laws he did not know of.” She paused letting us take in the new info.

“So…” Ali being impatient, wanting to know how it is related.

“They had breakfast and his father started with..."

“Son, I would like to apologize for delaying this. We should have done it a long time ago but considering the fact that you both are still young, it did not push through. Starting from today this will be your fiancee, you guys can skip the formalities since you have known each other for a decade already.”

“An arranged marriage?" I asked

“It was.” She said. “Sole reason was to strengthen the bond of both families.” She remarked sarcastically.

“And expand business wise.” Ali added.

“We have classes to attend to, why don't you fill us in during lunch?.” Linda asked while the driver park the car.

“Someone is in a hurry.” I teased with a knowing smirk.

“I miss him so much Luc.” She admitted blushing.

Hearing the helicopter sound we all looked through the window watching it till it landed on its helipad. What a way to resume school.

“Girls your boys are here.” They are always making a dramatic entrance without effort.

“Is that a new look?" Linda now grinning like an idiot. “So handsome.”

They alighted the helicopter one after the other standing at the roof top staring down at us. They are smirking, no doubt the girls are drooling. Wait, did Edward just wink at Linda?!

I turned my head to Linda, to say she’s beetroot twin is no doubt a fact.

“I feel like plucking those eyes.” Ali snapped in jealousy, the whole school is watching especially the girls. Not their fault they are natural A listers supermodels.

Giovanni Augustus, he is the upcoming Chairman of our school and the upcoming CEO of the Augustus Conglomerate. Edward Hamilton, he is the assistant Chief Technology Officer in Hamilton Technologies. Aiden Buffet, he is training to be the President of Buffet Corporation and Andrés Ramirez, he is an assistant Chief Marketing Officer of Ramirez Industries.

They working their butt off for their positions. Day and night they train to prove their worth. I admire their hard work, they earned what they have now.

"That is the bell girls." I really don't understand relationship stuff.

"Morning Luc." A voice greeted. I turned around to check who it was.

"Morning Aiden." I replied taking the books I will need. "Nice entrance you guys pulled earlier, it totally got them."

"We should have all their attention." He leaned against a locker beside mine. "I asked the girls already but your say is also needed."

I gave him a confused look

"Do you mind joining us?" He raised an eyebrow, now I'm confused. "Our private floor."

"Nope." I rejected, I'm not interested in it. "See you later." I have English as first period.

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