Chapter 13

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Being treated at home isn't bad at all. It's better than being stuck in a ward smelling of yucky disinfection. It makes me nauseous and it reminds me of that day.

The day my life took the wrong turn. When my parents changed all of a sudden, it was difficult to swallow. I had depression and it got deeper each passing day, I wanted to be perfect yeah... I suffered from anorexia. I thought I wasn't the ideal daughter type and I still kind of think the same but you know the most funny thing that makes me chuckle till now?

"Princess Lucky, you are perfect the way you are. You will always be my Lucky, our Lucky."

I was their princess, their little princess but where is that title today? It's been almost 8 years since I've heard that. Yes, I missed it and I accepted I wasn't anymore. It was hard to close that book. I left it open for 5 years daydreaming they wl turn back and recognize me again. I was a fool and it hit me hard that 'no matter how far you think you can run, you're a fool, a shattered glass. But if you can keep running, run and never look back. That's why I left the place I once called home.

It wasn't easy, it was pure torture. I always sat on the stairs in our Villa watching the door as it opens and closes, day and night and you know what? They never walked through it.

"Lucky?" I turned my head to the voice.

"I'm sorry, I knocked several times but I got no response." Gio scanned my face. "Can I come in?"

I was on the verge of breaking down, my eyes red from years of tears that has been withheld. I simply gave a nod.

"You alright? I came to check up on you." Is he really concerned? I nodded my head answering his question. My voice will crack if I talk, I do not need anyone to look at me with pity.

We stayed like that for 10 minutes, me on my bed and him on my couch.

"Here." He gave me... gummies? "The girls told me you love sweets."

It brings back memories of them and this is the only thing I hold onto... bear gummies. "Thanks." Other than the girls and Brian and the twin no one else bought it for me.

"I know it's not my place and you don't have to answer." He paused making eye contact with me. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah." Not really but I can handle it as long as Brian is there and he won't leave me too.

"You're face was pale and your eyes were red." He pointed out scanning my face again. "I watched you for a while before I made my presence known." His face void of emotions, no pity.

"Just home treatment, I'm fine." The less people know the less salt is added to my wound.

"Are your parents aware?" What is his problem? Why is he even here?

"Yes." No, they won't even care if they did. I won't get a simple message 'get well Princess Lucky.'

"I came to see how you are doing and to give you this." He handed the box he brought along with him to me. "It's for the event for the following evening, it matches with my outfit and I personally chose it." He added returning to the couch.

I opened it taking the dress out. It was a royal blue v neck long sleeve floor length dress. The sleeves are net adorned with white flower embroidery at the sides.

"Thank you." It gorgeous. I love the meaning behind it. Blue stands for tranquility and white is purity.

"I didn't know the type of jewelries and shoes you like to wear that is why it's just the dress." He stood up. "I'll text you the time I'll pick you up."

"Thank you for everything." I am grateful, he covered my absence in school and the girls covered my school work but I couldn't let them still do my assignments.

"He'll be there." He blurted out before he gave a curt nod closing the door behind him.

I am not scared of him. You cower in fear, they will dominate.


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