Chapter 21

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(Noah Guy- Saltines and Ginger Ale)

“Okay class make sure to turn in your assignments at due date.” Our history teacher ended the class, wait a minute… Gio and I haven’t completed it yet.

Riiing Riiiing

It was lunch break and we went for lunch.

“We are yet to complete our assignment.” I took my sit beside him as usual.

“I’m extremely busy today, my schedule is tight.” Gio admitted before taking a gulp of his juice.

“It as to be today Gio we're almost through with it.” I needed the marks attached to the assessment.

“Will you come to my office?” He looked at me waiting for an answer and I looked at him. “I need to be at the office.” Not wanting to be unreasonable I agreed.

Teachers didn't come to the class after lunch since this time is for us to read for the upcoming exams. I did a bit of studying before reading Kindle. Today has been peaceful, no sign of a Du Pont, Blanca was suspended for three days and Travis? I don't want to know why he's not attending classes anymore.

Let's skip the remaining of this period?- Gio

I checked the time and it's almost closing hour.

Okay, what about your employees?-. Luc

What about them?- Gio

It will be weird walking in with you, I don't want to give them to wrong idea- Luc

We'll use my private elevator and I have the whole floor to myself- Gio

Okay, let's go- Luc

“Shall we?” Gio asked when we arrived, we're in the underground parking lot.

“And your P.A?” I really don't want any of his employees to see me.

“Shall we?” He repeated after he sent his P.A on an errand and I nodded.

This is crazy, we got in his elevator and he pressed the button to his floor. When we arrived I saw the secretary’s desk, I forgot about this one.

“I sent both of them down.” He answered my thoughts. “Make yourself comfortable.” He said before immersing himself in work.

I texted the girls about my whereabouts before immersing myself with work on my phone.

Ring Ring

“Bring it in.” He replied gesturing at a door in his office. I opened it and it was the bathroom, why…? I closed the door softly when I heard the door open.

I continued working and checking the files my manager sent after I chatted with my brothers.

You can come out- Gio

“You always eat sweet that’s why I requested this.” He spoke when I got out.

“Thanks.” Banana bread, shortbread with Kiwi juice. Not a bad choice.

An hour passed and Gio was still busy, he wasn't joking when he said he's extremely busy.

Ring Ring

“Yes… why?... Let him in and don't accompany him.” His mood changed when he got off the call.

“Any problem?” I asked since I heard him say 'let him in.’

”No, just a guest. One you're familiar with.” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

“Augustus.” It was full of sarcasm but the voice sounded familiar.

“Armoni.” Gio spat back, the tension in the room is getting uncomfortable.

I gave a curt nod to Mr. Armoni when our eyes met. Of course I do remember him.

“Miss Lozano, we meet again.” Mr. Armoni grinned taking his sit opposite me and Gio took his sit beside me on the couch.

I gave a fake smile not wanting to be involved in whatever that’s going on now.

“Won’t you offer your guest a cup of coffee?” Mr. Armoni smirked, I could feel whatever that’s happening is deeply rooted.

“Guest?” Gio snorted. “Why are you here?”

While they had their coded like conversation I continued reading the book I started reading suspending my work for now since Gio can get a glimpse of it. I could feel both their heated gaze on me, from my peripheral view I could see the look in Mr. Armoni's eyes something I can't decipher.

“The door is widely opened for your departure.” Gio ended the conversation.

“Miss Lozano, mind exchanging contact details with me?” Mr. Armoni smiled thinking I won't refuse.

“I have no business with you, so why should I?” I questioned, his above my level his like 26? 27? Or worst 30?

“We can be friends.” He suggested. “Or acquaintances.” He gave me an option.

“Thank you, I appreciate your offer.” I rejected making eye contact with him, I shivered a little when our eyes met. Why? I have no idea.

“We’ll meet again that I promise you.” And he took his leave.

“Let's complete our assignment shall we?” Gio diverted my attention. “Do you have your PC or your Tablet with you?”

“No.” I only have my phone and iPod with me. I don't use Apple products except for the iPod, my phone is the latest Samsung.

“Here.” He gave me an iPad. “We use Apple here.” I’m not surprised, most companies gives brand new iPads to their staffs for them to work with.

We finished our work in two hours time, I did what I did the previous time and that saved our time. I stood up going near his window admiring the night view, Gio sent the file to his P.A to print before he drives me home.

“Why did you reject Mr. Armoni.” Gio voiced out his thoughts.

“Did not feel like it.” My head snapped to the door when a knock came.

“I’ll get it.” He stood opening the door a little so the person can't see inside. “Thank you, dismiss everyone in the building then you can also go home. It's past office hour.”

I picked my bag from the couch. “Shall we?” I used his words.

“Let’s go.” We left his office using his private elevator to the under park.

“That was crazy.” I admitted when he drove out of his company’s building.

“Not really.” He chuckled reducing the volume of the music.

“I'm still in my uniform Gio.” I rolled my eyes at him. If a rumor spread it will be a disaster cause I’ll suffer more.

“It's worth talking about.” He quickly turned his head winking at me and we laughed.

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