Chapter 10

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I'm waiting for Travis but he hasn't showed up and  I’m 30 minutes late for first period.

Where are you?- Lucky.

I waited for fifteen minutes yet no reply. I took my bag heading to the underground garage and took a car key from the key box. And when I arrived, first period just ended.

“Lucky?" Ali gave me a questioning gaze when I got to my locker.

“Where were you?” Linda asked.

“I was home.” I replied. “Travis was supposed to come pick me up.” I didn't know what happened to him, he should have at least texted back.

“He ditched you.” Lia sighed. “He was present for first period.”

“What is going on?” Linda's protective mode kicking off.

“I really don't know, Gio and I worked on our project and he offered to drive me home which I refused and he held my hand and that is what Travis saw.” I summarized.

“You are driving with Edward and me from tomorrow.” Linda said leaving no room for arguments.

“She wll ride with me.” Gio announced from behind me.

“I will ride with no one.” I objected, why would I want to ride with this squashed melon?

Second and third periods passed and Travis still gave me the cold shoulder. He didn't even apologize for standing me up this morning. I was having lunch and I decided to text him again, from where I sat his table was visible.

We need to talk- Lucky.

He checked his phone and his eyes met mine. I was expecting him to at least text back but he kept his phone back in his pocket ditching me, again.

“Luc? Where were you during first period?” Andrés asked attracting the boys' attention.

“Girls stuff.” I'm not ready to dive into this topic again.

“Tell that to a novice.” Gio quipped leaning back in his seat.

I told them everything that happened till now and what caused it.

“So immature.” Aiden commented shaking his head.

“She is riding with me from tomorrow.” Gio declared again daring me to retort.

“I will think about it.” What impression will Travis have of me? Even if we are trying things out, it doesn’t mean I should not at least put in effort.

“I am not asking.” He squashed the grape between his fingers.

We are in reading period. We can either read or attempt our home assessments. I decided to solve my maths assessment.

Private floor for the project- Squashed melon.

This project is 50 marks, I can't lose 50 marks just like that.

Skip the remaining of this period with me?- Travis.

I am meeting with Gio after this period- Lucky.

Is he your boyfriend now?- Travis.

What is your problem? I explained things to you but you ignored my texts. You ditched me this morning and during lunch break- Lucky.

And I'm supposed to apologize?- Travis

Fuck off- Travis.

Whatever that we have now is over- Lucky.

“Mr. Du Pont where are you going?” The teacher in charge of this period questioned but he slammed the door in response.

What happened?- Belinda.

You good?- Ardalia.

Yes, I will explain later- Lucky.

Be careful Luc- Ali.


You did the right thing Luc, after you explaied it to him and he was being immature.

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