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George spent all afternoon trying to get Dream to say anything about him.... They only kept up small talk- like how george should manage his sleep schedule and his chores.

But Most the time it was george taking quick naps on the ground next to Dream...

Dream just watched as the sun began to set, he can finally go out onto the grass as the sun disappeared behind the trees.

He stood up, walking over to a tree near a hill side.

Dream sat down, staring down the flower meadow.... He comes here when he's bored or has nothing to do, which is most nights...

He just sits and stares at the hill.. wishing things that he will never be able to do.

.: George and Dream POV :.

George yawned, sitting up groggily
"Mmm...?" He glanced around, realizing it was night- oh.. Dream is able to walk around now.

George glanced around, realizing Dream was gone.... Where did-
"Where did he-" he looked over, seeing Dream lean against a tree.
"Oh! There you are!!"

He quickly stood up, pacing over to Dream.

Dream glanced over his shoulder, hearing George's footsteps as he following him.
"You don't need to follow me everywhere I go" he huffed under his breath, shaking his head.

"Yes I do!" George quickly jogged over.
"I'm your serva- ACK-"  he slipped.

As George was jogging over, he slipped on the wet grass- slipping down the hill into some bushes.

"FUCK-" George fell into a bush- passing Dream whilst he fell.

Dream was as George tumbled down the hill, softly chuckling.
"Idiot." He smiled under his mask, amused that George fell.

After a few moments George shuffled immediately out of the bushes.

"YOU LAUGHED." George gasped, shuffling out of the bush.
"HOLY SHIT! YOU LAUGHED!!" He pointed at Dream- his mask still holding on.
"I made you laugh!"

Dream shook his head.
"No I didn't." He closed his mouth, regaining back to being serious.

George ran back up the hill.
"YES YOU DID!" He stood in front of Dream.
"You did laugh! I heard you!"

Dream kept quiet, looking up at George.. he was- happy..?

George held his hands out.
"Come on! Let's go do something." He wanted to make Dream- less.. well- grumpy.
"It will make you happy."

Dream huffed, grabbing George's hand before standing up.
"What is there to d-" he got cut off.

The two we're cut off when George accidentally leaned backwards- trying to help dream up.

"Oh-no-" George fell backwards, bringing Dream with him.
"OH- SHIT-" he cussed.

"GEOR-" Dream got cut off, tumbling forward as George dragged him down

The two tumbled down the hill back into the bush George just fell into

George landed on top of Dream, his mask falling right off his face and smacking dreams face.

Dream landed on his back, George landing right on his chest.
"Jesus-" he groaned, landing on his back.

George soon started laughing, sitting up.
"I'm- sorry-" he laughed, rubbing his eyes.
"I didn't mean too."

"Ow-" Dream looked up, his eyes widening slightly... George's mask was off- again.. and he was simply- different.

His skin was like- glowing in the moonlight- like tiny sparkles that mixed with his freckles that lightly scattered across his cheeks.. while... his eyes- they were two different colours.. one hazel while the other was a bright blue and shimmered in the light.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now