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Dream sat on the porch, staying away from the sunlight.
"Damn.." he frowned... right- the one thing he can't do... go into the sun and have fun,
"This sucks."

"It doesn't suck that bad." Sam wandered out, glancing down at Dream.
"Your fine." He waved his hand.
"Besides.. nights are much longer usually."

Dream looked over, scoffing.
"Yeahh- says the one that can go into the sun anytime they want." He rolled his eyes, looking back at everyone.
"I have to sit whilst George has fun."

"Trust me- the only thing that's gonna make george happy is that your watching him train... it makes him happy that someone cares enough to watch him train and make sure he doesn't get hurt." Sam knew George liked spending any time he could with dream- even when training now..

Dream smiled.. yeah- he did enjoy making sure George was safe..

"Sorry- I'm ready now." George held a cup and a blanket.
"I was making tea." He smiled, walking over too the two- glancing at Dream.
"And I grabbed a blanket too!"

Dream gave a confused look.
"I just made you tea..?" He tilted his head slightly.
"Why did you make me make you tea if you made your own..?"

"Be cause It's for you idiot." George held the cup, his smile growing happily.
"I also got you a blanket if you wanted to turn into a blob and hide in it." He held it out.
"Since the sun will be out- it might be dangerous.."

Dream lightly wheezed, shaking his head.
"Alright- I'll use it." He grabbed the tea and blanket... feeling a sense of happiness.
"Thank you." 

George smiled, nodding... he liked doing these things... it just made him happy to do them and care for them.

Dream placed the cup of tea on the ground before wrapping himself in a blanket- turning himself into a blob.. snuggling happily.

George smiled, crouching down.
"Here." He adjusted the blanket around the blob, making a small nest around him.
"Now you can be comfy and safe."

"You know he's not a child, right?" Sam cocked a brow, leaning against the door.
"He's old enough to do that stuff on his ow ." He hummed, nodding.

Dream shot a faint glare at Sam.. he was enjoying this- he liked the attention he got from George.

"sorry.. I'll stop-" George awkwardly chuckled, standing up... he now felt embarrassed.
"I didn't realize that was childish.." he looked down.
"Sorry.. I'll go get ready now- since the hashira are all talking to Phil..."

"Oh- wait! George-" Sam tried talking to George- but he left.

The two watched as George walked off, walking into the snow light gleamed field.

"I guess Niki will tell him."
Sam lightly chuckled, but once he looked down at Dream- he saw the most pissed off look a blob could ever give him.
"What?" He was confused.

Dream glared away from Sam- staring at George whilst pouting, leaning against the tea cup....

If Sam just ruined his time with George like that permanently.. he's a dead man walking.

.: George POV :.

George was anxious but walked over to the other hashira.
"Well.. uh.. I was told that.. I should come over here..?" He held a small box with his sword.
"Your... Niki..? Correct..?"

Niki turned around, humming a soft tune.
"Ah yes! Sam must have told you... the master thought it would be a pleasant idea to do some hashira training but there's some bad news.." She anxiously glanced around.
"Is that.. scary demon around."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now