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George fluttered his eyes awake, looking around the familiar room.
"Huh...?" He blinked- noticing the surrounding.

He sat up, looking around in confusion... what was going on... where was Dream??

"Dream..?" George looked around, trying to find the blonde demon.
"Where-" he mumbled.

"Mm.. I'm right here George..."

George looked next to him, seeing Dream sleeping next to him... or- was sleeping.
"How long have I been asleep...?" He rubbed his eyes.
"Or- how long have we been here."

"Quite while." Dream yawned, looking over at George.
"The sun was starting to rise so I got us here quickly.." he rubbed his eyes.

George looked at dreams shoulder, seeing it was bandaged up.
"What happened..?" He mumbled, resting his hand on dreams cheek.
"Your hurt.."

Dream lightly chuckled.
"Nothing misses your gaze does it george." He laughed, shaking his head lightly.

"Can you tell me What happened Dream..?" George asked again in a worried tone, frowning.

"There was a demon after us like usually and I couldn't place you down so I decided to try that thing you told me and.. fly? It didn't work so well-" Dream awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

George quickly sat up.
"What happened?!" He said for a third time, more- concerned.
"Are you okay?!"

"Don't worry about me- I was carrying you most the way- but the sun burned me a little on my shoulder." Dream rubbed his neck, yawning.
"But- I can fly-... even if it's not very high." He mumbled.

George soon laid himself next to Dream, hugging him.
"Thank you for bringing me back safe like you promised." He smiled, holding himself close to the blonde.

Dream hugged George back, resting his wing on top of the brunette.
"Mhm..." he nodded, smiling.

George coughed faintly, covering his mouth as he did so... he was feeling a tad bit better then before.

"Are you feeling better..? Or should I get a doctor to check you out..?" Dream looked at George, having a worried look.
"I will get one if you need me too." He muttered.

"I'm part demon dream- I don't think I need one- as I won't get sick" George rested his head against dreams chest.
"Unless demons are prone to illness-" he mumbled.

Dream shook his head, mumbling.
"Not that I know of... only brief colds zombies get sometimes." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

George nodded, hugging Dream tightly.
"Thank you for carrying me back, I'm glad to be with someone so lucky." He mumbled on dreams chest.
"And cares about me so much.."

"I've honestly never thought a demon could love a human... but you changed that for me.." Dream rested his head on George's, staring forward.
"I'm glad I met you George.... You've become a huge part of my life and I appreciate you so much." He smiled.

George nodded, nudging his head underneath Dreams neck.
"I love you dream..so much-" he smiled.
"I'm glad your my boyfriend."

Dream kissed the top of George's head.
"We could be more~" he looked down.
"Husbands maybe~"

George rolled his eyes, nudging dreams chest.
"I'll see- I still have to help the demon slayer corp too.." he rubbed the side of his head.
"I am a demon slayer- sort of.."

"Mhm." Dream rolled his eyes.
"And I am a slayer hunter." He rolled onto his back, pulling George onto his chest.
"I'm supposed to hunt you little humans- but instead I'm here cuddling one."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now