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Dream walked towards the hot springs.
"Cmon- it's not even that far." He hummed, looking on his back.
"You can walk."

George clung onto dreams back, resting his chin on dreams shoulder.
"Mmm.. no." He smiled.
"I prefer this."

Dream adjusted the kizuki cape that was over them- letting George hide under it.
"You know I need this cape to hide from the sun?" He continued to walk in the shadow- looking over at the sun as it continued to rise.

"Mhm-.." George kissed dreams cheek.
"But you also need your daily dose of love." He hummed, nuzzling his cheek.
"And I like hugging you."

Dream scoffed, continuing to walk until he got to some- stone..wall..? Or whatever it wall.

"where..." George looked around, very confused.
"Why are we-" he mumbled quietly, looking around.
"Why did we stop?"

Dream placed his hand on the wall, humming a soft tune.
"Just trust me." He had a green glow under his hand.
"We will be fine."

George was as the wall soon revealed a hidden entrance.
"What the-" he was cut off as Dream did something.

"What? You think my actual home is the cabin? Out in the open too be killed." Dream rolled his eyes, walking inside and sealing the hidden entrance.
"It's mostly a decoy"

George looked around, kind of afraid where Dream was taking him.
"Why didn't you tell me.." he looked around, having a jaw dropped expression."

"I didn't think we'd need to hide out here." Dream looked around, humming soft as he continued his way in.
"Besides~ Sapnap already asked me if they can use the cabin since I refuse to let him in here.. or anyone for that matter." He stopped, glancing over his shoulder.
"Your special so your allowed in here."

George quickly smiled, hugging Dream tightly.
"Wait.. what about my dads-" he was cut off.

"I left a note~" Dream hummed, his smile growing.
"He knows we left." He nodded.

.: Sam POV :. Note .:.

Sam wandered around, looking for George.
"George?" He had a puzzled look.. he had no idea where the brunette went off too.
"Where did they go..?"

As he was walking, he noticed a letter on the table... was this from George..?

"Hm?" Sam walked over, picking up the letter and reading it.
"Now what happened too those two." He grumbled.. he knew this hand writing.
"Oh. Great."

- to Sam-

"Jesus Christ Dream." Sam grumbled, beginning to read through the letter.
"What did you do now." He scanned through the letter.

- hello Sam.

sorry, I kidnapped your son again- I'm training him from now on as I don't really like that hashira with the trench coat, I don't trust him with George as he seems like he's gonna hurt him.

Don't worry though, he's safe and I'll make sure he sends updates regularly!

But I recommend you leave the cabin as there is another kizuki there, he won't harm anyone unless you piss him off.. he's with Karl right now so he might be calm.

Ps: the kizuki has bad temper issues.

- signed by Dream, the annoying demon.

Sam blinked before he lightly chuckled.
"God damn it-" he sighed, shaking his head.
"I really shouldn't have let George date him- he's a handful to deal with.."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now