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I'm on my demon slayer ark right now so expect many updates.

"Are you mad at me...?" Dream tilted his head, confused.... He had an upset look.
"Did I do something wrong to upset you?"

George quickly shook his head.
"No! You just scared the fuck out of me!" He quickly sat up.
"I thought you were still talking to Phil and them outside- and I went to bed."

"I wanted to follow you." Dream yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"And I'm getting very tired." He stretched his arms.
"So I wanted to sleep before the suns up.. since I'd probably be woken up then"

"Do you want to lay down." George nudged his head, he knew Dream preferred the window area since it was warmer.

"Mhm." Dream began to lean forward, about to flop onto the bed.
"Now move over." He waved his hand

"WAIT- WAIT! Don't crush me-" George tried to move out the way before Dream crushed him- but instead Dream turned into a blob and tumbled into his spot.

Dream made a squeak as he landed in his spot, soon getting comfy soon after.

George looked over, seeing Dream leaning back.
"Are you sleeping like that?" He hummed.

Dream nodded, adjusting himself into the blanket- making a small nest around him

George laid next to dream, adjusting the blanket over his lower body.
"There you go- now we can sleep." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

The two fell asleep fairly quick-..... but Dream quickly was woken up when he heard noises- what the hell is going on now.

Dream peaked his head up, seeing if anything was there.... Who..

Sam lightly knocked, trying to get dreams attention.
"Sorry too wake you- but we have a problem." He hummed awkwardly.
"And I didn't realize it till now."

Dream whined as he rolled over, soon looking at Sam for the problem- making an annoyed squeak sound.

"The hashira are wondering if they can stay for tonight.. then help George in the morning." Sam anxiously chuckled.
"Is that alright." He knew Dream was annoyed

Dream didn't want them in his home but he just nodded, getting comfy in the bed... he didn't care as long as they left him alone and he got to watch George train.

Sam hummed, nodding.. thank god.

He watched as Sam quietly walked away... he was curious what Sam was doing... so he decided to watch.

Dream sat up, hopping towards the end of the bed and staring over.


"You can spend a night- but you should leave by morning with your brother." Sam turned, speaking firmly.
"Stay away from over there and don't go snooping, this isn't our home, we don't do that here." He wanted George and Dream to have there privacy.

Wilbur glared around.
"I can't believe you'd let your son date a monster." He said firmly, glaring at Sam.
"It's disgusting- it makes George look like a freak!"

"Don't call my son that Wilbur." Sam said firmly once more, he wasn't afraid to punch him.
"Just stay away from them.." he turned and walked towards the stairs.
"And you won't complain."

Wilbur huffed, looking over at the couch... tommy was already asleep- he only took up a small portion of the couch.
"I hate this, we are supposed to kill them... we went through years of training for what? So your son can date this demon."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now