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Dream stood on a branch, staring down at the village... did he want too eat..? He was very much hungry... but the demon in the town worried him.
"Damn.." he sighed, staring off.
"I'm starving."

Sapnap silently landed on the branch, standing next to dream.
"George is worried.. you have too eat as much as you can." He said firmly

"Oh I know, I'm planning on it... just- deciding something." Dream thought out loud, crossing his arms whilst staring off.
"I'm planning on eating as much as I can.. I'm just thinking all the outcomes I can avoid ." He stared at the village.
"And my plan-.... Wait What are you even doing here???"

"George wanted me too tag along." Sapnap yawned, licking his teeth.
"So I did follow you."

Dream had an unimpressed look.. seriously, George made Sapnap tag along.

"He got worried since you said there might be hashira coming, he didn't want you getting pinned between multiple at once... which sounds reasonable." Sapnap leaned against the tree, he just wanted this too be over with.

Dream smiled, he was glad george thought about that.
"Yeah- it was a good idea for you to tag along." He shouldn't second guess George want what he does, but he understands.

"Of course it is.. now- let's try and eat then head back." Sapnap quickly hopped off the branch.
"I wanna be quick!"

Dream rolled his eyes before following.... He's going to target the alleyways.. that's where all the bad people are.
"Alright.." he already had 7 people in mind... people that deserved death.

He just needs to be mindful of the shifting demon... if he's not careful- things can go south.

.: George and Karl POV :.

George wandered down the hall, glancing around.. for Karl... where is he..?
"Karl..?" He spoke quietly, trying find George.
"Are you up here?"

Whilst he was wandering, he heard shuffling coming from another room- oh..?

George walked down peaked into the room, seeing Karl organizing the room.
"Hi Karl!" He smiled, seeing his friend settle in.

Karl jumped, looking over.
"Hi George!" He quickly walked over.
"How are you..? Are you feeling any better??"

He was extremely relieved for George to be okay.

"I'm- okay? I guess.. mentally I'm good! But physically I feel like shit." George rubbed the back of his head.
"Dream and Sapnap went for food." He looked up at Karl, lightly chuckling.
"Like- there food.. humans.. like us? I don't know how to explain it"

"What!" Karl's eyes widened:
"And your letting that happen?!"  He walked over to George.
"Dream and Sapnap eating innocent people?'l

"Yeah?  Because if they don't eat- can get sick and hurt us and lose control of themselves.." George played with his fingers.
"I don't want that.. not to Dream or Sapnap... it will hurt them."

"But- the demon slayer corp! We pledged our lives..." Karl wasn't mad.. just- questioning.
"They will be upset.... But then again Sapnap and Dream needs it." He mumbled quietly, thinking.

George was a little shock to hear that from Karl.
"Awww, do you care for Sapnap~" he leaned forward, maybe the two are getting along.

Karl smiled softly before nodding.
"He is very nice." He felt happy talking about it.
"And keeps me company."

George stared at Karl.. no.
"No- Sapnap is not nice" Sapnap was not nice... he tried to kill him... 3 times
"He's a dick."

"He's very nice once you get too know him!" Karl huffed, crossing his arms.
"He's just... uhh.. tempered...and mad"

George cocked a brow.
"That's not good-" he lightly chuckled, walking over.
"But he's probably working on it I'm guessing."

Karl nodded.
"He talked about how upset he was after what he did to you- I don't exactly know what happen,,.." He shrugged.. Sapnap never told him what happened.
"....Do you think they will be okay, I'm scared for them."

George nodded, his smile growing.
"Yeah-" he lightly coughed, sneezing soon after.
"They should be- fine."

"I hope so.. I really like Sapnap-" Karl whispered under his breath.
"I don't want him getting hurt- he's a good friend."

George blinked.. well then- I guess Karl found his person.
"Well.. I'm going to get some rest.. you should as well." He started to feel tired.
"Judging by you had a long walk."

"Yeah.. I am getting tired." Karl yawned, stretching his arms.
"I was just settling down here." He looked around the room.

"Alright, Goodnight then!" George waved, slowly walking out of the room.
"I swear.. if I go to sleep- and I wake up to see Dream in my face staring at me, im sleeping outside."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream licked along his fangs, staring down at the dead corpses..
"That's all 7.." he felt himself starting to get his energy back.

He wiped his mouth, clearing the blood off his face.

"No one will remember them." Dream felt satisfied killing them.. they've been on his nerves since last time he visited- they were just rude too him and he wouldn't except that.

"Dream.. you need to settle it down." Sapnap jumped down, having a worried look.
"That's a lot... your going to get peoples attention."

Dream glared back- unsure if this was the real Sapnap or not.
"I need my strength back." He snapped, speaking firmly.

Sapnap looked a little shocked, he didn't expect Dream to get aggressive.
"I think it's enough, we should go." He walked up to Dream.

Dream glared at Sapnap... he didn't trust him.
"And how do I know your not the real one?" He scrunched his nose, he just wanted to be sure.

"I'm about to come over there, rip of the corpse arm and beat the shit out of you." Sapnap growled, stomping over to Dream.
"Im not that dumb fuck shape shifting demon and I can prove it by telling your what happened in the entertainment distri-"

"OKAY." Dream quickly realized it was Sapnap, shaking his head.
"Don't.. don't remind me." He growled, pointing at Sapnap.
"That's- that was too far."

"Yeah yeah.. well hurry up, if we get caught we can get in trouble." Sapnap didn't want to get caught up with a hashira.
"It's different now that we have to watch the cabin."

Dream nodded.
"I'm still going to eat a few on the way." He stretched his arms in the air.
"I'm still starving."


.: Dream POV :. Time skip when he's walking back

Dream wandered back, covered in blood.
"Jesus, I need a fucking bath." He looked down at his arms, lightly gagging.
"I hate blood."

Whilst he was walking, he started to faintly hum... feeling a sensation as he was being watched.

Dream glanced over his shoulder, cocking a brow.
"Hm..?" He looked back- he knew who it was.

Total word count: 1133

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now