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.: the day of the event :.

Dream huffed as George adjusted his outfit for the 900th time.
"George- I'm fine." He glanced at the brunette.
"I don't need you to adjust my outfit again."

"I want you to look nice!" George smiled, looking up at Dream.
"For everyone else." He pat dream on the top of his head.

Dream frowned faintly.
"Do we have to go...?" He mumbled- he didn't want to go-
"Can't we stay..?"

"My dad is expecting us to go" George ruffled dreams hair, smiling happily.
"We get to meet other people." He hummed.
"Our age!"

Dream scrunched his nose.. he didn't want to meet other people- he only wanted George.
"Okay." He sighed, crossing his arms.

"Now come on- we have a long ways to walk." George cupped dreams cheeks, trying to brighten his mood.
"You don't need to be so sad" he smiled.

"I don't want you to find someone else." Dream huffed, glancing at George.
"Someone better then me." He grumbled.

"I'm not.." George softly chuckled, kissing dreams forehead.
"I don't want to find someone else." He shook his head.
"I like this big softy"

Dream pulled George into a hug.
"Okay.." he lightly nodded.
"I believe that"

George kissed dreams jaw, leaning into his chest.
"You don't need to be upset Dream.." he pat dreams chest, he wants him in a good mood.

Dream lightly nodded, sighing.
"Okay." He mumbled quietly.
"I won't.."

George had a happy hum.
"Let's go then.." he lightly grasped dreams hand... but he didn't move.

"Sun-" Dream lightly chuckled, pointing at the window.
"I can't go." He hummed.

"Oh yeah!- I have to keep you in my pocket!" George perked up, holding his hands out.
"I can hold your mask."

Dream held his mask out... he just.. wants to stay.
"I really.. really don't wanna go" he sighed.

"You have too." George grasped the mask, attaching it to his belt.
"Now come on, we are going to be late."

Dream- without another complaint from him.. he changed into a blob... why was he even gifted this ability, it's stupid.

George carefully picked him up and placed him in his leather bag.
"I'm going to keep you in here, so you don't get any sun light on you!" He hummed.

And without another word... George began making his way to the location.

.: quick Dream POV :.

Dream pouted, squeaking quietly to himself.... He didn't want to go to the stupid place!!

He didn't want people trying to get all buddy buddy with George just to take him away from him....

Dream didn't want to be alone, not again.... He doesn't want to be abandoned again.

He was having a small temper tantrum to himself.

.: George POV :. Timeskip when they made it :.

George panted, walking into the building.
"We are here.." he glanced around, his smile growing... so many people his age here.

"Hello George."

George jumped, turning around.
"Dad!" He gasped, seeing Sam resting his hands on his hips.

"Where's your... boyfriend?.. right? That's what you two are." Sam was a little puzzled what they are.
"I don't want to mess it up." He mumbled.

Before George could respond, Dream hugged George from behind.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now